Medical Procedures
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Correct Body Procedures

CPR Technique in Adults, Children and Infants

carefully lower him or her to the ground and, if you are trained, begin CPR, starting with chest compressions.

What is If a person becomes unresponsive?


In an unresponsive person, isolated or infrequent gasping in the absence of normal breathing

what is agonal breaths?


 Press down about 11⁄2 inches and then let the chest return to its normal position, keeping your fingers in contact with the breastbone. Each chest thrust should be separate from the others.

What is the correct depth on an infant for chest thrusts?


Compress about 2 inches

 What is the CPR depth on a child?


Ask the person themself or their parent/guardian to provide care

What is Consent?


Have the person stand up straight. Stand behind the person with one foot in front of the other for balance and wrap your arms around the person’s waist.

What is the correct form for abdominal thrusts?


five actions that, when performed in rapid succession, increase the person’s likelihood of surviving cardiac arrest (Box 3-2). In the Cardiac Chain of Survival, each link of the chain depends on, and is connected to, the other links

What is The Cardiac Chain of Survival?


Continue sets of 5 back blows and 5 chest thrusts until the infant can cough forcefully, cry or breathe, or the infant becomes unresponsive.

what is the correct way to save an infant from choking?


Tilt head to neutral position; form seal over mouth and nose

What is the way you tilt an infants head for CPR?


 Extend the person’s arm that is closest to you above the person’s head.  Roll the person toward yourself onto his or her side, so that the person’s head rests on his or her extended arm. Bend both of the person’s knees to stabilize the body.

What is Steps on recovery positions for adults and children? 


Provided by  personnel at the scene and en route to the hospital, early advanced life support gives the person access to emergency medical care delivered by trained professionals.

What is Early advanced life support?


(delivery of an electrical shock using an AED) may restore an effective heart rhythm, significantly increasing the person’s chances for survival.

What is Early defibrillation?


When an adult or child is choking, give a combination of 5 back blows (blows between the shoulder blades) followed by 5 abdominal thrusts (inward and upward thrusts just above the navel)

what is the correct way to save a child or adult from choking?


30 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths

What is the amount of care you give for anyone choking or needing help?


Roll the person onto his or her side and clear the mouth of fluid using a gloved finger or a piece of gauze. Then roll the person onto his or her back and resume giving care.

What is if The person vomits or there is fluid in the mouth.


Place the heel of one hand in the center of the person’s chest on the person’s breastbone (sternum).

What is the correct way to give CPR to an adult?


Recognition of cardiac arrest and activation of the emergency medical services (EMS) system.

What is The sooner someone recognizes that a person is in cardiac arrest and calls 9-1-1 or the designated emergency number, the sooner people capable of providing advanced life support will arrive on the scene?


A person who is choking typically has a panicked, confused or surprised facial expression. Some people may place one or both hands on their throat. The person may cough (either forcefully or weakly), or he or she may not be able to cough at all.

What is signs and symptoms of choking?


Two fingers on center of chest, just below the nipple line

What is where you place your hands for CPR on an infant?


Use mouth-to-nose breathing instead. With the person’s head tilted back, close the person’s mouth by pushing on the person’s chin. Make a complete seal over the person’s nose with your mouth and blow in for 1 second to make the chest rise.

What is  You are unable to form a tight seal over the  person’s mouth (due to an injury).


tap their feet and call their name

What is how to see if an infant is responsive? 


cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is a skill that is used when a person is in cardiac arrest to keep oxygenated blood moving to the brain and other vital organs until advanced medical help arrives (Figure 3-5).CPR involves giving sets of 30 chest compressions followed by sets of 2 rescue breaths.

What is CPR?


Give chest thrusts instead of abdominal thrusts.

What is the correct way to save a pregnant women from choking?


Two hands in center of chest

What is the correct form for CPR on a child or an Adult?


Check for responsiveness and breathing for no more than 5 to 10 seconds.  Isolated or infrequent gasping is not normal breathing.

What is checking a person who is unresponsive?
