Who plays Noelle?
Anna Kendrick
What streaming platform was it on?
Disney+. It was one of the FIRST movies to be able to stream.
What does Noelle call Yoga pants?
Yogurt pants.
Where does Noelle meet Michelle?
What does Alex want for Christmas?
His dad to spend christmas with him.
Who plays Elf Polly?
Shirley Maclaine
What was the movie originally called?
What does Michelle want for christmas?
An Ipad and for her mom to get a Job.
What does Nick teach when he's in Pheneox.
Where does Helen have her vacation?
Who plays Gabe?
Billy Eichner.
Who is Noelle's brother?
Nick Kringle.
Where does Nick take a vacation to?
What does Noelle eat accidently.
Where does Nick work after?
The north pole. He opens a Yoga place there.
Who plays Mrs. Claus?
Julie Hagerty.
What is one of the languages Noelle can speak?
Sign language.
How many Actors were in the Movie?
Does michelle get her Ipad for christmas?
Who plays Michelle?
Shaylee Mansfeild.
Why does Nick run away?
Noelle told him to take a break.
6 months ago.
How many nice kids are there?