Spiritual Gems
Treasure our Faithful Older Ones
Let it roll- Meeting edition
Easy Peasy
Enter at your own risk
Crosswords 2

This was created in order for a manslayer who unintentionally or accidentally killed someone to flee there.

What are cities of refuge?


Fill in the blank:

Gray hair is a _________ of beauty. When it is found in the way of righteousness. Prov 16:31

Fill in the blank:

Gray hair is a crown of beauty. When it is found in the way of righteousness


What was the local needs this week about?

Turning on your camera and not concealing yourself or the things you do.


This man was almost killed by his father Abraham at Jehovah's request.

Who is Isaac?


Who caused their father to unwittingly have sexual relations with them?

Lot's daughters


 Of his four sons, only the firstborn Johanan did not rule as king over Judah [6] (1 Chronicles 3:15)

Who is Josiah


 Her name sounds something like a gem, but she was a liar [8] (Acts 5:1)

Who is Sap·phiʹra 


The manslayer must stay in the safe location for this time frame.

What is until the death of the high priest who is in office at the time of his trial?

Fill in the blank: Psalm 37:28

For Jehovah loves justice, And he will not abandon his __________ ones.

Fill in the blank: Psalm 37:28

For Jehovah loves justice, And he will not abandon his loyal ones.


What is the key scripture used in this weeks return visits presentation?

Revelation 21:3-4


What two cities were destroyed by Jehovah from which Lot had to flee.

Sodom and Gomorrah


Numbers 11:5 expresses the food that the Israelites missed having from Egypt...How fondly we remember the fish...also the cucumbers, the watermelons, the leeks, the onions and this pungent vegetable. 

What is Garlic


Jacob’s ninth son [8] (Genesis 49:14, 15)

Who is Issachar


He led the Jews into the Promised Land [6] (Acts 7:44, 45)

Who is Joshua


The Levites were provided with this many cities that they could inhabit. 

What were a total of 48 cities. (Josh 21:41)


Although our older ones may not have the strength the once had, they do have what that they have acquired over the years?

What is a wealth of experience?

Daily Double: According to our bible study this week in the book of Ezequiel, why will the governments turn on Babylon the Great?

Because God will put it into their hearts to carry out this thought. 


Jacob married Rachel who was what family relation to him?

His cousin as Laban was his uncle


How did Aarons two sons Nadab and Abihu die due to them offering unauthorized fire to Jehovah?

They were burned alive (Lev 10:1-2)


Vineyard owner and victim of a wicked plot by Queen Jezebel [6] (1 Kings 21:1-19)

Who is Naboth?


Son of Jesse [5] (1 Samuel 16:1-13)

Who is David


Joshua 22:12 states: "When the Israelites heard about it, the whole assembly of the Israelites congregated at Shiloh to go to war against them." Why did they want to go to war?

Because they though the tribes of Reuben, Gad and half of Manasseh had built an altar to a false go. They were wrong. 


Per the article, Moses was in his ____'s when he began to serve Jehovah and Daniel and the apostle John were both in their _____'s still serving Jehovah. 

Moses 80's

John and Daniel 90's


According to our bible study this week in the book of Ezequiel, what will mark the beginning of the great tribulation and what will be the climax?

The beginning is the attack on Babylon the Great by the governments and the climax will be Armageddon. 


Who built a golden calf?

Who is Aaron?


This King was eaten up by worms for not acknowledging Jehovah.

Who is King Herod (Acts 12:23)


Where Goliath came from [4] (1 Samuel 17:4-10)

What it Gath


He introduced Paul to Peter [8] (Acts 9:22-29)



This son of Eleazar was sent to confront the tribes of Reuben, Gad and half of Manasseh in regards to their "error".

Who is Phinehas?


Name at least 5 in our congregation who are 70 or older: Bonus 200 pts if you can tell me who is the eldest in our hall.

Sis Toth       Sis Valencia         Blanfords

Chambers     Corman             Freudenbergs

Kocsis          Leksberg            Long

Oman          Pate                   Randall

Robins         *Scott                Ware


Under treasures from Gods word, what was the lesson in the account of the tribes building an altar?

That we should not be quick to draw conclusions when we do not know the facts and to not accuse someone wrongfully.


Which Judge promised his daughter to Jehovah if he helped him defeat the Ammonites?

Who is Jephthah?


Daily Double:A Levites concubine is raped in Gibeah and later dies. So to get revenge, the Levite cuts her up into 12 pieces and what does he do with her body?

He mails out a piece of her body to each of the 12 tribes so they would attack the men of Gibeah. Judges 19:29


The postexilic name of the sixth lunar month of the sacred Jewish calendar [4] (Nehemiah 6:15)

What is Elul


Tribe through which Messiah came [5] (Genesis 49:10)

What is Judah?
