Pai de Jacó
Quem foi Isaque?
who created the heavens and the earth
Who is Jehovah?
Quem é Israel?
For a Bible Student to preach formally they must become an....
What is an unbaptised publisher?
Em que publicação essa imagem aparece?
Folheto "O Sofrimento Vai Acabar Algum Dia?"
No clipe "Coração de criança" o refrão diz:
"Eu quero olhar o mundo igual às _________;
Enxergar que ainda existe __________.
Eu quero ter um coração de __________;
Sempre ver que há entre nós ___________."
"Eu quero olhar o mundo igual às CRIANÇA;
Enxergar que ainda existe ESPERANÇA.
Eu quero ter um coração de CRIANÇA;
Sempre ver que há entre nós SEMELHANÇA."
The Governing Body has chosen this as the 2021 Yeartext
What is Isaiah 30:15 : "Your strength will be in keeping calm and showing trust"
Foram jovens que estavam dispostos a morrer numa fornalha, do que trair Jeová.
Quem foi Hananias, Misael e Azarias ou Sadraque, Mesaque e Abdnego?
Number of books in the Bible
Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah are our original names but we are also known as ....
Who are Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego?
They look after the construction work
What is LDC?
Who is the Shulammite Maiden?
É um vídeo do Kit de ensino que usamos para iniciar estudos bíblicos.
O que é "Por que Estudar a Bíblía"?
The location of the World Headquarters
What is Warwick NY?
Romans 10:2: For I bear witness that they have a _____ for God, but not according to accurate knowledge
What is zeal?
19th book of the Bible
Books of Psalms
What is Paul?
Supporting yourself but working at the branch some days
What is a Commuter Bethelite?
I kept silent when it was wise, but spoke boldly when it was necessary.
Who is Esther?
The name of this song that describes this wheeling tool
What is If You Could See What I See?
When was the first JW Broadcasting Program held?
When is October 2014?
Era um homem que, embora tivesse a beleza de seu pai é conhecido por seus problemas com ele.
Quem foi Absalão?
Languages that the Bible was originally written
What are Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek?
What is Nathaniel?
A 5 month long school in Patterson, New York
What is Gilead?
I was known for my good deeds. When I got sick and died Peter resurrected me.
Who is Dorcus?
Name 3 JW apps
What are : JW Library, JW Language, JW Sign Language?
Names of the 8 current Governing Body members:
Who are : Samuel Herd, Stephen Lett, Gerrit Losch, Geoffrey Jackson, David Splane, Anthony Morris, Mark Sanderson, Kenneth Cook Jr?
Nome, a princípio, referente a "Cidade de Davi" e mais tarde a Jerusalém como um todo.
O que é Sião?
Number of books in Hebrew-Aramaic Scriptures
What is Daniel?
Someone moving somewhere that needs assistance without an official assignment
What is a Need Greater?
I was the wife of Chuza. I traveled with Jesus and the apostles and was one of several women Jesus cured of their infirmities.
Who is Joanna?
Name of the latest white Board animation
What is Virus Outbreaks - What Can You Do?
DAILY DOUBLE: what six committees do the members of the Governing Body serve?
What are: Personnel, Writing, Teaching, Service, Publishing, Coordinator's