true or false, you can catch cancer
The common cold can be transmitted through droplet spread
How long should you wash your hands
20 seconds
Lymphoma affects what part of the body?
it affects the skin
true or false, there are 14 ounces in a cup
true or false, type 2 diabetes is communicable
True or False: Strep throat is communicable
At what temperature should you cook chicken at
165 degrees
benign means:
what year is red forty getting banned
What is a non-communicable disease
A disease that you can't catch.
What are some ways to prevent yourself from getting a communicable disease?
getting a vaccine and wearing a mask.
Where can you find harmful E. coli
raw meat, contaminated water, and raw milk
True or False: brain cancer is the most dangerous type of cancer:
false it is lung caner.
what is the price of gas in Washington state?
If your cousin gets cancer, does that mean you have a higher risk for having the cancer gene.
yes (although technically you were already at the same risk you just know that your at higher risk now)
Which had a higher death toll, the small pox or the black plague?
small pox (The black plague killed 25-30 million people and smallpox killed around 300 million)
Should you wash meat before cooking?
blood clots are a type of cancer:
Who invented the phone
Alexander Graham Bell
What is the definition of hereditary, and name two hereditary diseases.
determined by genetic factors and therefore able to be passed on from parents to their offspring or descendants. cancer, and heart disease.
around how many people died from the Spanish flue?
50 million-100 million.
What is the name of the straw that you use to drink and filter possibly contaminated water?
Life straw.
what is the least detectible type of cancer?
pancreatic cancer.
Who is the minor Greek god of beekeeping and cheese making?