Lives in D-222
Who is Ms. Rosenkrantz
What is harder to catch the faster you run
What is Your breath
3 places you dream of visiting
Any answers work
I run throughout buildings and provide electricity
What are wires
What day is valentine’s day
What is Feb 14th
Has a picture of us on their refrigerator
Who are the Ryans’
Where does today come before yesterday
What is the dictionary
Which planet shares its name with a chemical element
What is Mercury
I can be picked up or thrown but cant move on my own
What is a rock
Most common flower for valentines day
What is a red rose
I lived in D-314 before Mr. Wainer
Who is Ms. Ellington
What 5 letter word becomes shorter when you add 2 letters to it?
What is short
What is the main occupation for characters mario & luigi
What are plumbers
Use _____ to open _____
What are doorknob and door
What century did valentines day begin
What is the 14th century
I am the original wine lover
Who is Ms. Brockman
What runs around the whole yard without moving?
What is a fence
What word means a coffee maker and a tool to clear drains?
What is a plunger
I go up and down but not without activation
What is an elevator
“Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t,” is the jingle for what two candy bars?
what are almond joy and mounds
Shared the same birthday as me(not ms. Jones)
Who is Joanne Bergman
What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it?
What is silence
Which sign of the Zodiac is represented by a crab?
What is Cancer
I give directions or titles
What is a label
What is the most common valentines day gift
What is candy