Text Structure/Features
Central Idea & Details
Claim & Evidence
Fig. Lan. & Context Clues
POV and Author’s Purpose

Which of these is a type of text structure we learned about?

A.) Persuasive

B.) Claim & Evidence

C.) Description

D.) Main Idea & Detail

C.) Description


How do we determine the central idea of a non-fiction text?

A.) Somebody wanted but so then


C.) Whatever the title is

D.) Who/what + what did they do + finish the sentence

D.) Who/what + what did they do + finish the sentence


What is the author’s claim in the story, “The Heroism of Athletes?”

A.) Athletes are overpaid for what they do.

B.) It takes bravery to overcome discrimination.

C.) Athletes’ achievements make them heroic figures.

D.) Getting a gold medal is a heroic thing to do.

C.) Athletes’ achievements make them heroic figures.


“In fact, Ederle smashed the previous record set by a man…” is an example of:

A. Simile

B. Metaphor

C. Personification




We learned there are four different reasons why an author would write a piece of nonfiction (author’s purpose). What are they? (hint there are four!)






In the article, “The Heroism of Athletes”:

“Gertrude Ederle” “Jesse Owens” “Mark Spitz” and “Nadia Comaneci” are examples of what type of text feature we learned about?

a.) The main title

b.) Captions

c.) Headings/Section Titles

d.) Main ideas

c.) Headings/Section Titles


Which of these is NOT a central idea from “Athletes are not Heroes”?

A.) Athletes should give up part of their salary and donate it to the real heroes out there.

B.) The traits that make athletes “heroes” are shared by regular people too.

C.) Athletes are talented people with strong abilities, but they aren’t heroes.

D.) Heroes are people who take risks and show bravery.

A.) Athletes should give up part of their salary and donate it to the real heroes out there.


Which piece of evidence BEST supports the author of “Athletes Are Not Heroes” claim that: the risks athletes take don’t make them heroes.

A.) “The appear on television shows, get paid massive sums of money.”

B.) “They achieve success , make mistakes, and try their best.”

C.) “ Athletes are just like the rest of us.”

D.) “Professional athletes get paid far more than people in other dangers professions.”

D.) “Professional athletes get paid far more than people in other dangers professions.”


“Any many of them contended with discrimination and skepticism along the way. It goes without saying that most people in the 1920s never would’ve expected a woman to shatter all previous records set by men.”

Based on the context, what does skepticism mean?

A.) Doubting something to be true

B.) Thinking something is special

C.) Racism

D.) A true believer

A.) Doubting something to be true


What is the author of “The Heroism of Athletes” point of view about the athletes listed in the article?

A.) They are overpaid for what they did.

B.) They were very lucky to be able to accomplish what they did.

C.) They are examples of athletes who overcame obstacles.

D.) They all faced racial discrimination.

C.) They are examples of athletes who overcame obstacles.


In the article, “The Heroism of Athletes,” the section, “Gertrude Ederle” is organized using what type of text structure?

a.) Description

b.) Cause/Effect

c.) Problem/Solution

d.) Chronological Order

e.) Compare/Contrast

a.) Description


From “Athletes are not Heroes,” which TWO details best support the claim “regular people do heroic things”?

A.) “While it is understandable to recognize athletes for their abilities, it is equally important to acknowledge that labeling them as heroes is inappropriate.”

B.) “Even Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, himself an athlete, has criticized fellow athletes for claiming to be heroes.”

C.) “Don’t parents act selflessly for the benefit of their kids?”

D.) “While their talents are certainly deserving of praise, athletes should be recognized for what they really are: mere mortals.”

E.) “How are these responsibilities any more sacrificial than those performed by workers who travel for their jobs or work late and, in doing so, give up time with their families?”

C.) “Don’t parents act selflessly for the benefit of their kids?”

E.) “How are these responsibilities any more sacrificial than those performed by workers who travel for their jobs or work late and, in doing so, give up time with their families?”


Find a piece of evidence that BEST supports the author of “The Heroism of Athletes” claim:

Athletes are heroes because they have faced discrimination and still achieved their goals.

Answers will vary:

Gertrude Ederle swam the English Channel and broke men’s records even through she was a woman.

Jesse Owens broke multiple records during a time when African Americans were discriminated against


“Their photos adorn bedroom walls and magazine covers.”

Based on the context, what does adorn mean?

A.) adjacent

B.) decorate

C.) fix

D.) paint

B.) decorate


What is the author of “Athletes are not Heroes” purpose for including Kareem Abdul-Jabbar?

A.) To show how a regular person is just as brave as an athlete.

B.) To give an example of someone who overcame discrimination and skepticism.

C.) To give his expert opinion on the value of Olympic athletes.

D.) To show even some athletes don’t consider themselves heroes.

D.) To show even some athletes don’t consider themselves heroes. 


Why did the author include headings in this article “The Heroism of Athletes?”

A.) To break up his story so it didn’t seem so long.

B.) To list examples of athletes who are heros.

C.) To persuade you that these athletes deserve a gold medal.

D.) To describe regular people who are more heroic than athletes.

B.) To list examples of athletes who are heros.


What is the central idea of the article, “The Heroism of Athletes”?

Answers will vary

“Athletes accomplish feats that make them the heroes of our time.”


Which piece of NEW evidence would BEST support the author of “Athletes are not Heroes” MAIN claim?

A.) Teachers get paid MUCH less than athletes.

B.) Many athletes make bad decisions and are not good role models.

C.) Athletes spend a lot of time helping charities.

D.) Jackie Robinson was a very brave baseball player.

B.) Many athletes make bad decisions and are not good role models.


“While all of this is true, it is also the case that the players are very well compensated for their chosen careers. Professional athletes certainly get paid far more than people…”

Which word, when substituted for compensated, would change the meaning of the passage?

   A.) charged

   B.) paid

   C.) rewarded

   D.) reimbursed

A.) charged


Which TWO pieces of evidence BEST show that each author’s purpose was to persuade?

A.) “People may also say that professional sports require a lot of sacrifice from the players.”

B.) “While it may be true that we all try our best to excel, not everyone can accomplish what these athletes did.”

C.) “While it is understandable to recognize athletes for their abilities, it is equally important to acknowledge that labeling them as heroes is inappropriate.”

D.) “Ancient Greeks celebrated athletes at the first Olympic Games.”

E.) “They set a high bar for themselves and for all athletes who followed them.”

B.) “While it may be true that we all try our best to excel, not everyone can accomplish what these athletes did.”

C.) “While it is understandable to recognize athletes for their abilities, it is equally important to acknowledge that labeling them as heroes is inappropriate.”
