Organizational Patterns Vocabulary
Organizational Patterns Example Sentences
Organizational Patterns Example Paragraphs
Making Inferences
Commonly Confused Words

In which organizational pattern does the author tell how two or more things are the same and how they are different?

Compare and Contrast


Because the Super Bowl is so popular, many companies want to advertise with commercials during the Super Bowl.

Cause and Effect


The following paragraph is written in which type of organizational pattern?

Green plants are able to manufacture their own food from substances in the environment. This process is known as photosynthesis. In contrast, animals, including man, get their food either directly from plants or indirectly by eating animals which have eaten plants. Plants are generally stationary. Animals, on the other hand, can usually move about.

a) Chronological Order

b) Cause and Effect

c) Compare and Contrast

c) Compare and Contrast 


What can the reader infer from the following paragraph?

Many students look forward to summer vacation. Some young people find ways to keep busy that also earn them a little money. Without leaving their street, they can get jobs mowing lawns, babysitting, or walking dogs. Some kids are even able to help people design personal Web sites or draw cartoon characters for local business advertisements.

a) Some kids who find summer jobs see neighbors become customers.

b) Most part-time summer jobs require a driver's license.

c) It is smart to start a summer job halfway through vacation.

a) Some kids who find summer jobs see neighbors become customers.


Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

Would you like ___ go with me to the mall _____?

a) two, too

b) too, to

c) to, too

c) to, too


In which organizational pattern does the author tell of something using any of the five senses?



First, you get the bread out of the pantry. 

Sequential Order


The following paragraph is written in which type of organizational pattern?

I worry about the private automobile. It is a dirty, noisy, wasteful, and lonely means of travel. It pollutes the air, ruins the safety and sociability of the street, and exercises upon the individual a discipline which takes away far more freedom than it gives him. It causes an enormous amount of land to be unnecessarily abstracted from nature and from plant life and to become devoid of any natural function.

a) Problem and Solution

b) Cause and Effect

c) Compare and Contrast

b) Cause and Effect


What can the reader infer from the following paragraph?

In each of the four years of high school, students are known by a certain name. A first-year student is called a freshman. In their second year, students are known as sophomores. The next year, they become juniors. In their final year, they are seniors. At the end of their senior year, they graduate.

a) Sophomores are female.

b) The words freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior can describe either a student himself or the student's year of high school.

c) The plural of freshman is freshmany. 

b) The words freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior can describe either a student himself or the student's year of high school.


Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

I would like to know _______ the dog ran ___.

a) where, too

b) were, to

c) where, to 

c) where, to


In which organizational pattern does the author tell of an issue and how that issue was fixed/resolved?

Problem and Solution


I failed my quiz miserably, so I started to pay more attention in class and got better grades. 

Problem and Solution


The following paragraph is written in which type of organizational pattern?

There is much preparation to be done before hunting season arrives. First, hunters must obtain their deer or elk tags from the Department of Wildlife which allows them to legally kill these animals. Then they must consult their calendars, ask for time off of work, request assignments from teachers like Mrs. B, and determine where they will go to hunt. Finally, because big game live in the wilderness, sportsmen must prepare to keep warm during many days outside by gathering their warm coats, woolen socks, hats and gloves.

a) Problem and Solution

b) Chronological Order

c) Compare and Contrast

b) Chronological Order


What can the reader infer from the following paragraph?

In the 2000s, telephone culture has gone through major changes. Communities have gotten rid of pay phones because so many people have cell phones. One study found that people are using their thumb for ringing doorbells and even for pointing at things because they are used to punching numbers on their cell phones with their thumb.

a) Some people used to ring doorbells with a finger other than their thumb.

b) Because of cell phones, people no longer use the phone book.

c) Most people have doorbells. 

a) Some people used to ring doorbells with a finger other than their thumb.


Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

______ going to ruin ______ game if you run onto the court yelling and throwing popcorn everywhere.

a) You're, their

b) Your, there

c) Your, they're

a) You're, their


In which organizational pattern are steps used to show how something is made, and in which are events shown over time? (There are two answers for this one.)

Sequential Order and Chronological Order


While math and reading are both subjects, math deals more with solving number problems. 

Compare and Contrast


The following paragraph is written in which type of organizational pattern?

Obesity has become a major health issue for North Americans, and this problem is aggravated by the lack of physical activity in large segments of the population. In addition to healthier eating habits, one solution would be to make it easier for obese North Americans to exercise on a daily basis. This could be done at work, before and after the shift, to ensure full participation in the program. This program would be beneficial to obese employees as they would be required to participate twice daily to help decrease obesity among North Americans.

a) Sequential Order

b) Cause and Effect

c) Problem and Solution

c) Problem and Solution


What can the reader infer from the following paragraph?

Schools often plan field trips for students. That gives the students the chance to experience someplace new. Field trips usually occur during a regular school day. Sometimes field trips take students to aquariums or musical performances. For their own safety, students may attend a field trip only if they turn in a permission slip signed by a parent or guardian.

a) On certain field trips, students can see a live shark in a tank.

b) Field trips always take place after school.

c) Each student must sign a permission slip before going on a field trip.

a) On certain field trips, students can see a live shark in a tank.


Fill in the blank with the correct word.

I want _____ to be a lot of cake and candy at the party!

a) there

b) they're

c) their

a) there


In which organizational pattern does the author tell of what happened and why it happened?

Cause and Effect


I was born in 1980, graduated high school is 1998, graduated college in 2002, and now I am in my twentieth year as a teacher.   

Chronological Order


The following paragraph is written in which type of organizational pattern?

Have you ever had an ice-cream headache? That’s when a painful sensation resonates in your head after eating something cold (usually ice-cream) on a hot day. This pain is produced by the dilation of a nerve center in the roof of your mouth. The nerve center is overreacting to the cold by trying to heat your brain. Ice-cream headaches have turned many smiles to frowns.

a) Chronological Order

b) Cause and Effect

c) Problem and Solution

b) Cause and Effect


What can the reader infer from the following paragraph?

In elementary school, students typically have one teacher for all subjects. In middle school, they begin to change teachers for each subject. One person teaches them math, another teaches social studies, and so on. Students walk to a different classroom for each subject. That means they get more exercise!

a) All middle school teachers must be able to teach science. 

b) In middle school, the English teacher and math teacher may be different people.

c) Elementary school teachers are smarter than middle school teachers.

b) In middle school, the English teacher and math teacher may be different people.


Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

Since it will be a beautiful day, _____ going ___ the zoo this weekend. 

a) we're, to

b) we're, too

c) were, too

a) we're, to
