Your mom asks you to take out the trash.
Following instructions
Accepting decisions
checking back on time
What is the three strike rule when you are off card?
3 strikes (negatives) and you are back on card
A negative phone call is:
sent by another house
-9,000 or appropriate negative for behavior
What are some coping skills?
going for a walk
deep breathing
taking time
listening to music
Playing outside
Your friend asks to cheat off of you at school.
Resisting peer pressure
Being a positive role model
Choosing appropriate friends
What is a DSR?
Daily skill review
included treatment goals
What is family meeting for?
Review house news or business.
self government or voting on rules
giving house feedback
deciding on outings or giving information
What are SODAS for?
Problem solving
Your coworker yells at you for making a small mistake at work.
Dealing with frustration
using anger control strategies
peer reporting
giving appropriate feedback
What does a manager do?
Check chores
open and close the house
clean the van
keep peers accountable
When you ask to bring a consequence to family meeting for peers to vote on it what options do your peers have to vote on?
Either keep the consequence the same
Making it higher
or lowering it
What are some expectations when we go on outings?
Showing respect, being appropriate for the situation (quiet inside) staying together as a group. Asking permission before you do things.
Your friend accidentally spilled something on your new white sweatshirt.
Dealing with frustration
Asking for help (at home to clean it)
Making a request (to replace it if ruined)
How do we as a house practice new skills?
skill reviews
role plays
consequences (learning opportunities)
Learning from peers
doing sodas
talking about issues in family meeting
What privileges do you earn as manager?
front seat of the van
extra 15 minutes
rating from 1-5 (highest is $10 outing)
What 3 things do we as a house have to do for certification?
family meeting
You have a job interview and haven't had one before and are nervous about it.
coping with difficult feelings
asking for help (asking for tips from adults)
Interviewing for a Job
Planning ahead
Using community resources (some organizations in the community help prepare for interviews)
What year were girls allowed to join boystown?
What is self-government?
It is the rights that you have in the home to take part in making the rules of the home. Freedom to use the appeals process, freedom to give peers feedback in family meeting, voting on new rules or asking to change house rules. Manager system is self-government since you vote on them.
When was boystown founded?