This is the country with the greatest crude oil reserve.
Which is Venezuela.
This is the country with the greatest gas reserve.
Which is Russia (Россия).
This is the country with the greatest coal reserve.
Which is the United States.
This country has the greatest amount of uranium.
Which is Australia.
This is how many Watt are in 3.58 kW.
Which is 3,580 Watt.
This is the name of the process that separates crude oil into different products. (Two words!)
Which is fractional distillation.
This is the ingredient in natural gas and the chemical formula for it. (Must name both to receive points)
Which is methane, or CH4 .
This formed first before it turned into coal, and it is still used today for heating and cooking.
Which is peat.
The process by which energy is won from uranium is called __________ and works by _________________________________________ . (Explain the process)
Which is fission, when a large atom is split into smaller atoms?
The ___________ ____________ _______________ (three words) is where offshore drilling happens.
Which is the Exclusive Economic Zone?
This is why fractional distillation works.
Which is differences in boiling point.
These are three appliances in a regular household that usually run on gas if the household is connected to gas.
Which are stove/oven, dryer, and water heater.
These two things were needed to form coal.
Which are heat and pressure.
The hot water, that results from running a nuclear reactor, goes to ____________ to cool down.
Which is a cooling tower or rivers?
These are two disasters that caused massive oil spills.
Which are the Exxon Valdez tanker off the coast of Alaska (1989) and the Deep Horizon drilling rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico (2010)?
Five products made of crude oil are:
Which are: skin care products, anything made of plastic, paints, paint thinners, acrylic, perfume, lubricants, fabrics, clothes, contact lenses, toothbrushes, toothpaste, computers, cell phones, electric tape, guitar strings, chewing gum, packaged baked goods, chocolate, chips, vitamins, painkillers....eeeeewwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Natural gas is found on top of ________ (one word), inside ____________ _________ (two words).
Which is oil, and porous rock.
In the order of increasing energy, the three types of coal are called _____________, _______________, and _______________. (Must name all three to earn points)
Which are Lignite, Bituminous coal, and Anthracite?
Two sites where accidents with nuclear reactors happened are _____________ and _____________.
Which are:
Three Mile Island
This lists the energy transformations from coal to usable energy:
___________energy to ______________ energy
___________energy to ______________ energy
___________energy to ______________ energy
Which is:
stored chemical energy to thermal energy
thermal energy to kinetic energy
kinetic energy to electrical energy
____________ is a thick, sticky, semi-solid form of petroleum, and __________ is a mixture from which oil can also be extracted. (Must say both to get the points.)
Which are bitumen and oil sand/tar sand.
Besides having the lowest emission of carbon dioxide, gas is considered the cleanest fossil fuel because it emits little to none _______, _________, and _______ (three pollutants). (Must name three correctly to get the points)
Which are:
Carbon monoxide
Nitrogen oxides
Sulfur dioxide
Particulates/ particle matter
Three negative environmental effects of coal mining are _____________, ________________, and ________________. (Must name three correctly to get points)
Which are:
- acid leaching from mines into water
- disturbance of ecosystems by roads, machinery, noise, habitat fragmentation, contamination, etc.
- mountaintop removal/change of landscape
- emission of greenhouse gases
The half-life of a certain radioactive substance is ten years. After thirty years, ______ % of the radioactive substance is left.
Which is 12.5%?
A country uses 240 million tons of crude oil in 1998. Ten years later, after much effort and investment, the country only uses 190 million tons of crude oil. The percent change is ________ %
Which is -21%?