These resources take millions of years to replace.
Fossil fuels (Oil coal and natural gas nuclear power)
Non renuable resources makes this very cheep
According to the pie charts what resource is used the most in all the yeas
Examples of this word include oil, natural gas, coal, and fossil fuels.
Non renewable resource
Try to name all four exemples of non reusable resources used in the presentation (2 answer =the points)
Oil natural gas nuclear power and coal
The gases released by burning non-renewable resources contribute to this issue.
Climate change
What does natural gas mostly used for
The existing technology for using non-renewable resources is described as this in the slideshow.
Very good
The process of mining and drilling for non-renewable resources harms these.
wildlife and habitats
These are the main uses for non-renewable resources, as stated in the presentation.
electricity, heating, and transportation
What is used to make gasoline
Non-renewable resources are described as unreliable because of this key characteristic.
Takes to long to be replaced
What two resources are primarily used for electricity.
Coal and Nuclear power
According to the Charts what year did we start using renewables
According to the pie charts what resource was used the least in 1980-90
Hydroelectric power