Non Working Dog
Non Working Dogs
Given that a dog weighs 40 lbs and its target weight is 30 lbs. How many weeks would be needed to achieve desired weight?
What is A reasonable weight loss is 1-2% of body weight per week; I chose 1.5% percent BW per week Desired weight loss per week = 40 lb x 0.015 = 0.6 lbs per week Weight to lose = 40lb -30lb = 10 lb to lose. 10 lb / 0.6 = ~17 weeks There are other acceptable answers. Show all your calculations and use reasonable values to get full credit.
The addition of chondro-protective agents to the general population of healthy senior dogs in not warranted. True or False
What is True
Even if given a proper diet and feeding method during the hunting season, hunting dogs are prone to developing hypoglycemia if they are not adequately trained beforehand. True or False
What is True Training must start months ahead of the actual hunting season or the dog may experience weakness and tremors during the hunt which could progress to seizures and death.
Huskies can tolerate higher levels of lactate in their muscles than other breeds of dogs before they 'hit the wall". True or False
What is False Greyhounds can tolerate higher levels of lactate in their muscles than other breeds of dogs before they 'hit the wall". Huskies typically do not build up lactic acid in their muscles because they perform at a lower intensity than Greyhounds.
Anaerobic catabolism produces more energy than aerobic catabolism.
What is False Aerobic catabolism (kreb's cycle) provides more ATP molecules than anaerobic catabolism (glycolysis).
All senior dogs should be switched to a pet food formulated for seniors to ensure that their nutritional needs are met. True or False
What is False If the dog is doing well on its current pet food there is no need to switch.
List the six steps in the weight reduction program in the order they should be done.
What is 1. identify the overweight/obese patient; 2. clinical evaluation to rule out underlying health causes; 3. client counseling to gain client compliance; 4. target weight assessment; 5. selection of food type and quantity; 6. re-evaluation and adjustment of food quantity and target weight.
Ensuring proper hydration during exercise is important because it allows the animal to maintain its body temperature. True or False
What is True A lot of heat is lost from the body when water evaporates from the skin (sweating) or from respiration (panting). Without adequate hydration, animals would die from over heating internally.
Describe the feeding method for working dogs.
What is You do not want to feed the dog to close to when the dog is going to perform work; .a smaller portion of their daily meal would be offered four hours before working. You want to allow the dogs to calm down after working but feed the larger portion of their daily meal within two hours after working to aid in repletion of glycogen stores. Small morsels of high glucose treats during work can maintain blood glucose levels.
The complete catabolism of glucose to ATP has both an anaerobic and an aerobic component.
What is True Glucose enters glycolysis (anaerobic) and is converted to pyruvate. Pyruvate enters the Kreb's cycle (aerobic) for complete oxidation.
The ideal percentage of body fat for a dog or cat is
What is 20
The three prong approach to a weight reduction program are
What is Modification of behavior of both client and patient; modification of activity level; modification of diet and feeding
The primary source of energy to muscles performing low intensity, long duration is ____________.
What is fatty acids
During high intense work, the muscles produce two acids, carbon dioxide and __________.
What is LACTIC ACID Carbon dioxide is a respiratory acid and is expired. Lactic acid is produced from pyruvate when oxygen is limited.
Feeding a hearty meal before working is important for to aid the dog against hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). True or False
What is Feeding too much, too close to when the dog engages in work can cause stress diarrhea. Blood is diverted away from the G.I. tract to the muscles and food in not digested well. Allow adequate time for food to be digested before engaging the dog in exercise/work. Small morsels of high glucose treats prior to work, would be recommended to prevent hypoglycemia.
The recommended feeding method of dogs during maintence is _____________.
What is protion controlled
A severe reduction in caloric intake using a high fat pet food, could cause malnutrition. True or False
What is True High fat pet foods have high caloric content. A severe caloric reduction would result in feeding lower calories but also you would feed lower protein, vitamins and mineral that are needed by the dog.
During intense physical activity, _____________ builds up in the muscle cell, lowering the pH of the cell and creating a burning sensation in the muscles.
What is lactic acid
Training for athletic/work performance influences the type of energy substrate (glucose vs fatty acids) and the amount of energy substrate that is readily available to the muscle cells. True or False
What is True
Glucose is stored in the liver and muscles in the form of [a] and the amount available equals approximately [b] % of the animal's body weight.
What is a glycogen b 2
For a dog, an appropriate percent of body weight lost per week is ____________.
What is 0.5- 2%
List four complications of obesity in dogs.
What is dec lifespan, impairs cardiac function, difficulty breathing, skin infections
During very high intensity work like sprinting, ATP is provided via glycolysis where as in low intensity work like jogging, ATP is provided via Kreb's cycle.
What is At high intensity work, oxygen is limited so only glycolysis can provide ATP. At low intensity work, oxygen is not limited and the Kreb's cycle provides the majority of the ATP.
The primary source of energy for muscles performing high intensity, low duration type work is _________.
What is glucose
Describe the nutrition components of the diets for different canine athletes in comparison to the diet for the average dog at maintenance.
What is The diet of dogs performing at high intensity; low duration, like sprinters, is not much different than the diet for the average active dog. It has a large amount of carbohydrates (>50%) and moderate levels of fat (10%). On the other extreme, the diet for dogs performing at long endurance, moderate intensity like sled dogs, has very high levels of fat (50%) and moderately higher levels of protein, but low in carbohydrates (15%). The diet for dogs performing in between these extremes of exercise types would vary in percent carbohydrate and fat depending on the degree of intensity and duration of the exercise/work type. See Table in presentation.