What is "Schema"?
Background Knowledge
How many sentences should my summary be?
1 sentence per paragraph
Vocabulary knowledge is one indicator of a person's intelligence: True or False?
In which section of the synthesizing template do I type what I already knew (schema)?
Thought bubble
What are children born under the 1 child policy called?
Little Emperors
What is listed in the "K" column?
What we already "know"
What should NOT be in your summary?
Specific details
What does "Definition" mean?
It is "The meaning of a word"
On the Synthesizing template, what is the name of the section where I should type my "Topic and Title of article"?
Top Box
Which gender is more valued in rural, Chinese communities?
What is listed in the "W" column?
What we "want" to know
What should your summary sentence have?(hint: C.I.)
Central Idea
Based on the Vocabulary worksheet, how many key words were you asked to list?
10 words
In which section do I type what I learned?
What was the punishment for having more than 1 child during this time?
Fine and/or sterilization
What is listed in the "L" column?
What is what I "learned"
If the section of the article that you are summarizing is 5 paragraphs, how many sentences should your final summary be?
5 sentences
Based on the vocabulary worksheet, how many words did you need to define and explain their significance to the article?
5 words
In which section do I type my thoughts/feelings/opinions?
Inside head
What type of policy exists as of 2016?
2 child policy
Why do readers use schema?
It helps the reader understand and/or connect to the text.
What is does "summarizing" mean?
Retelling the information in my own words.
How can I find the definition of a word?
Dictionary, Online dictionary, context clues, or as a trusted source.
In which section do I type any new questions (I wonder...I hope...)?S
Speech bubble
How many men out of 4 will never marry due to a woman shortage?
1 out of 4