The main title of a text, page, or article
What is a heading?
Name this type of visual aid
What is a diagram?
I am reading a book about outer space and I want to know more about the planet Saturn. What text feature would be most useful to look up facts about Saturn?
What is an index?
A type of visual aid that labels parts or items mentioned within the text
What is a diagram?
Key words and definitions in a text are often:
A. Written as a heading and subheading
B. Written as bold words
C. Written only in cursive
What is B- written as bold words?
Mini titles throughout a text which tell you what that specific section is about
What is the subheading?
Name the type of visual aid that is displayed below this photograph
What is a caption?
Mrs. Huffman is enjoying learning about different kinds of animals. She is writing her class a report about all she has learned, but forgot what a marsupial is. What could she use to help her?
What is a glossary?
A type of visual aid taken with a camera that is inserted into a text
What is a photograph?
What might be a good subheading for the topic of trees?
A. Why recycling is important
B. Why matches are dangerous
C. Types of trees
D. None of the above
What is C- types of trees?
A list that explains or defines difficult or key words used in the text. It is found at the end of a book and the words are in ABC order.
What is a glossary?
Name this text feature
What is a heading?
Dr. Casper is skimming an online article on how to cook using the fondue method. She wants to know if what she is making looks "right" so far. What text feature should she look for in this article to answer her question?
What is a photograph?
A phrase or sentence which explains what is shown or happening in a picture
What is a caption?
The following are subheadings in an article: the Pilgrims and the Natives, foods served, and celebrating today. What might be the heading?
A. Thanksgiving
B. Christmas
C. Easter
D. All of the above
What is A - Thanksgiving?
Key words that appear darker than the other text
What is bold print?
Name these text features
What are subheadings?
Nicole ordered a new coffee table from Amazon, but it wasn't assembled upon delivery. Nicole has called you to help! The directions for assembly contain no words at all. What are you hoping it does contain? (Hint: the table is in different pieces that need to be combined into one piece)
What is a diagram?
The name of a piece of writing that is not real
What is fiction?
Why are nonfiction text features important?
A. They help you better understand what you are reading
B. They are important only because your teacher said so
C. They actually aren't important
What is A - to help you better understand hat you are reading?
The exact pages within the book where specific names or terms can be located
What is an index?
Name this text feature
What is a glossary?
Your friend has taken a silly photograph and wants to create it into a funny meme. The "punchline" is really just a what? (Hint: Here's an example)
What is a caption?
The name for a factual piece of writing
What is nonfiction?
Which of the following is NOT a type of visual aid?
A. photograph
B. diagram
C. chart
D. a story
What is D - a story?