Ballet Folklorico upcoming discount
Some UVU students. BFLDM . 55 tickets. charge the students 10, give them a ticket from there.
they'll pay, and then we'll give a ticket from the envelope
During the week of Feb 10- 14. After that, any unsold tickets will be refunded.
REVIEW: What time can people reserve tickets for get out pass?
1pm. (In person or *over the phone. )
Bonus Q: 5
How do you help a patron who needs a ticket for their baby?
All non-adult human beings must utilize the youth ticket option.
Bonus Q: 10
Who is allowed in the Box Office?
Only Box Office Trained people.
Bonus Q 14
Any Questions about SOA Advising?
Point them to the advisers down the hall.
Bonus Q 16
REVIEW: Describe rules for Academic Comps (Music comps, Theatre comps)
We must have a list of the names and events. Music students get one comp. Theatre students get two comps for opening weekend.
Bonus question 2
What do we do when someone calls in to reserve get out pass tickets on the day of the event?
We collect their information in the excel sheet and then make a reservation and place it in the suspended orders. send a message out to the box Office teams chat to let people know there is a get out pass pending sale in the suspended orders.
Bonus Q: 6
REVIEW: How many total seats are in the Concert Hall, not including choir loft? (I'll accept #'s within an acceptable range)
Bonus Q: 11
What do you do if you have a scheduling conflict with your work schedule?
Talk to Jess, Kareen, or Ro. Ideally the person who is scheduling your shifts. Ultimately, once a shift is assigned to you, you are required to get it covered if you cannot make it. We understand if there are extraordinary circumstances. Communication is key, above all other things.
Someone asking about a Rental Space??
Refer them to Ruth Payne, or send their information directly to her. Also, tell them to email their inquiry to and we'll pass it on to the right people.
Bonus Q: 17
REVIEW: Describe rules for SOA staff/faculty comps
FT gets 2, PT gets 1. Academic shows only.
Bonus Q: 3
Describe how the Arts Card works
Danielle will be taking care of this. She sends out a survey, they request tickets, and the "Arts card" general tickets they have in their order will be exchanged for actual tickets for the event in question.
Bonus Q: 7
how many total seats in the smith
Bonus Q: 12
When do we use First Aid supplies?
(many acceptable answers)
Questions about the Gallery on 6th
Art and Design office, in the GT right before going down the stairs.
Bonus Q 18
What to do when someone brings in a Voucher? (Demonstrate)
Reserve tickets, make notes, reconcile voucher like Cash. It should specify if it's for SOA or Noorda
Bonus Q: 4
What do we do if someone has the arts card, but does not have tickets reserved for the event that night?
You can make that reservation.
Bonus Q: 8
What is the name of our parking lot?
Bonus Q: 13
Describe what Box Office does during emergency situations. (Fire, earthquake, evacuations and such)
yell "get out!!"
Verify these areas in an emergency, Bastian, upstairs, bathrooms. Firstly, get yourself somewhere safe. Try to lead people on your way out.
Bonus Q: 15
Who do we call when there is an emergency?
Call 5555
Bonus Q: 19
REVIEW: Patron wants to add more tickets to their season package. How do we do that?
EB25% or RSP20%
Make sure they have a previous reservation with the appropriate discount before selling them the additional tickets
Only for General Public Tickets
REVIEW: What do we do when someone comes to redeem a Get Out Pass?
We pull up the Get Out Pass document and record their information if not completed previously. We then utilize the app on their phone to click "venue accept". Once that is done, we can process the reservation and give them their tickets. LEAVE NOTES!!
Bonus Q: 9
REVIEW: What email should people look for In their inbox when searching for electronic tickets?
How do we use Chrome Flags to fix the Card Readers?
(Brandon, you verify this answer)
Someone wants a tour of the building/venues?
You can send them to Ro, jo, or Ruth. Subject to their availability. can email arts tickets to schedule a walkthrough.
Bonus Q: 20