coach that will probably be helping you with tactics, wax or encouragement.
who is coach atwood
a 10km nordic ski race followed by ski jumping contets
brand that klaebo skis for
what is fisher?
part of the ski you need to engage in classic skiing
what is the wax pocket?
mn high school with most state titles
what is stillwater?
TNRs summer training program
what is NSN?
length of the birke
what is 50km?
In the Winter Olympics, the biathlon event combines cross-country skiing with the shooting of what specific firearm
what is a firearm?
zone in a race where you must kick or double pole
what is a technique zone?
won the mn state meet in 2007, 2008 and 2010
who is jessie diggins?
how many races has TNR varsity competed in this season (counting pursuit as 1 race)
8. (6 conference meets)
under mshsl rules, each leg of the state relay must be within 1.___and 1.___km
who is gus schumacher?
technique of V1 and V2 combined
what is V2 Alternate?
state with the longest nordic ski trail in the country
what is Washington?- methow ski trail with 200km of groomed trail