Primary function of the ventricles
What are pumping chambers?
System associated with the right heart
What is the pulmonary circulatory system?
Heart layers where a pericardial effusion accumulates
What are the parietal and visceral layers?
Anatomy in 6-9 on image A
What is the PV, MPA, RPA and LPA?
Oxygen Saturation in image C, #1
What is 75%?
Primary function of the atria
What are filling chambers?
System associated with the left heart
What is the systemic circulatory system?
Normal tricuspid valve orifice area
What is 7-9 cm squared?
Anatomy 10-15 in image A
What are pulmonary veins, LA, MV, LV, AoV, and Aorta?
Oxygen saturation in image C, #3
What is 98%?
Atrioventricular valves
What are the tricuspid & mitral valves?
What is the right heart?
Normal mitral valve orifice area
What is 4-6 cm squared?
Anatomy in 1-5 on image B
What is the aortic root, ascending aorta, aortic arch, descending thoracic aorta and descending abdominal aorta?
Oxygen saturation in image C, #2, 4, 5, 6
What is 75%, 98%, 75%, 98%?
Semilunar valves
What are the aortic and pulmonic valves?
High pressure, high resistance, high oxygen sat (98%) system
What is the left heart?
Normal aortic valve orifice area
What is >2cm squared?
85% percent of the population has this coronary artery system
What is right dominant?
What is the SVC, IVC, RA, TV, RV, PV, PA, RPA & LPA?
Heart wall layers
What is the epicardium, myocardium and endocardium?
Has the lowest Oxygen sat in the body (60%)
What is the coronary sinus?
Anatomy in 1-5 on image A
What is the SVC, IVC, RA, TV, RV?
8% of the population has this coronary artery system
What is left dominant?