The length of a normal pregnancy
What is 38-40 weeks
missed period
What is a presumptive sign of pregnancy
skin changes resulting from growth that may be permanent
What are Striae Gravidarum?
measurement that should correlate approximately with number of weeks of gestation
What is Fundal Height
Wrist pain and upper extremity numbness which can result from edema around the nerves
What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Naegele's Rule
How do we calculate due date based upon LMP -3 months +7 days
visualizing an intrauterine pregnancy via ultrasound
What is a positive sign of pregnancy
amount of increase in blood volume expected in pregnancy
What is 50%
Genetic test offered at 10 weeks of pregnancy
What is NIPT?
severe nausea and vomiting usually experienced during the first trimester
What is hyperemesis gravidarum?
Age at which a woman is considered to have "advanced maternal age"
What is 35 years old?
Positive Pregnancy test
What is a probable sign of pregnancy
vertical dark line which may appear on the abdominal skin
What is Linea Nigra?
Gestational age at which it is customary to test for group B strep
What is 36 weeks?
Exercises recommended for strengthening the pelvic floor which can improve urinary incontinence
What are Kegels?
number of weeks representing the first trimester
What is 12 weeks?
The normal separation of abdominal muscles which occurs in the third trimester to allow more space for the uterus
Diastasis Recti Abdominis
Gestational age at which it is customary to perform the "review of systems" anatomy ultrasound
What is 20 weeks?
What is Round Ligament Pain?
Recommended injection to prevent isoimmunization in Rh negative women
What is Rhogam?
Fetal movement detected by provider
What is a positive sign of pregnancy
An increase in this hormone allows a loosening of the hip joints and ligaments to facilitate birth
What is Relaxin?
Gestational age at which it is customary to perform testing for gestational diabetes
What is 24-28 weeks?
A common digestive complaint in pregnancy exacerbated by acidic dietary choices and supine posture
What is pyrosis or GERD