Which two switches should be in NORM?
Starter and Ignition
When the pilot runs the AOA test and the stick shaker activates, how many units of AOA will be indicated?
Do not connect external power if battery voltage is below _____.
22 volts
How many minutes after a larger aircraft/helicopter takes off should you wait to avoid wake turbulence?
2 mins
After clearing the runway on a full stop, what are the first two steps performed?
ISS Solo
Pin In
What can occur if the CFS pin storage box is not closed?
Damage the canopy when canopy closed
What shouldn't you do when adjusting the rudder pedals?
Use excessive force/push them
What are you looking for during the "Flight Intruments Check" step?
Check pitch, roll, heading, and vertical speed indications, and no flags
Setting flaps to TO or LDG automatically __________.
At a strange field, oil level must be serviced within _____ of engine shutdown.
30 min
What PSI should the emergency O2 cylinder be showing?
1800 psi
Why is it important to release the emergency O2 hose from the elastic sidewall strap during strap in?
Failure to do so may result in the loss of the emergency O2 system after ejection
Why is it important to ensure the ST READY light remains illuminated?
May result in engine damage due to loss of the automatic shutdown feature
What is the target descent rate for an en route descent?
4000 fpm
If the oil level is at or below ADD, service the oil level to _______.
Why is it important that the MOR handle is fully down/locked and not lifted?
Lifting the MOR handle can result in the initiation of the manual release sequence, which can cause injury or death
Why do we set the rudder trim out of the green range?
To check/verify the TAD works
Why do we run the Overspeed Governor Check?
To verify that the Overspeed Governor works and will keep Np stable at 100% +/- 2% even with the PMU off.
What is the desired climb airspeed range?
What airspeed will result in better forward visibility in the climb?
After maximum effort braking and if overheated brakes are suspected, do not _________ until the brakes have had a sufficient amount of time to cool.
taxi into or park in a congested area
What annunciators may illuminate on initial application of power?
What are you looking for to illuminate when switching on LAMPS?
CWS Illuminators, 2 FDR lights, red gear handle, red and green gear position lights, and gear door lights
What are the four things you do/look for during the OBOGS check?
OBOGS Supply Lever-On
OBOGS Concentration- Check MAX (green light), then back to normal
OBOGS Pressure- Check Emergency (pressure), then back to normal
Check blinker
Aerobatic or traffic pattern maneuvers may result in an attitude/heading display error without a warning flag and does not constitute a malfunction.
How can this issue be fixed?
Maintain straight and unaccelerated flight until corrected