States and Capitals
First Wave
Irish and Germans - 2nd Wave
The Chinese and Japanese - 2nd Wave

The capital of New York

What is Albany?

These were the first people to live in North America.

Who were the American Indians who came from Asia?


This was the reason that many Germans came to the New World.

What is for farmland?


These were the first people that the colonists tried to enslave.

American Indians


These were the 2 reasons that the Chinese came to California and other Western states between 1848 and 1851.

What is for gold and other businesses?


Helena is the capital of this state

What is Montana?


This is a person who moves to a land that is already occupied by others and takes over, claiming the land as his/her own.

What is a colonist?


These are the 2 reasons that so many Irish people moved to the U.S. in 1845.

What is the potato famine and religious persecution?


This is the name of the journey that the slave ships took from Africa to the New World in which hundreds of thousands of kidnapped African died.

What is the Middle Passage?

This is the industry in which many Japanese immigrants worked in Hawaii between 1885 and 1895.

What is the sugar industry?


The capital of Wyoming

What is Cheyenne?


The first colonists in North America came from these three countries.

What are Great Britain, France, and Spain?


This act granted 160 acres of land to families who would live on it and farm it for 5 years.

What is the Homestead Act?

This is the difference between indentured servitude and slaver.

What is indentured servitude was for a specified and limited amount of time; slavery was for a lifetime or until a slave was freed.


This is the reason that some of the earlier immigrants became hostile to the Chinese immigrants in the 1860s.

What is jealousy over how hard the Chinese men worked?


This state is the most northwest state in the contiguous United States.

What is Washington?


These are the 4 main reasons for immigration from 1600 - 1775.

What are economic motivation, convicts and debtors sent by the government, escaping religious persecution, and slavery?


These were the 3 major entry points into the United State during the 2nd wave.

What are San Francisco, New York, and Philadelphia?

This term refers to when kidnapped Africans were laid head to foot like spoons in the bottom of the ship to take as many people as possible across the ocean.

What is tight packing?


This is what was going on that led to the railroad company hiring the first 50 Chinese men.

What is the Civil War?


These 2 states border Florida.

What are Alabama and Georgia?

These are the 6 reasons that coming to the New World was difficult.

What are no regular trips, high cost, small and uncomfortable ships, long voyages, sickness, and vermin?


These were the 6 benefits of Castle Garden opening.

What were

1. Ships were inspected upon arrival

2. Emergency medical aid was offered

3. Food, clothing, and shelter was arranged

4. Clerks steered passengers to legitimate railroad and steamship companies

5. Labor officials helped people get jobs

6. Medical officials quarantined seriously ill passengers

This machine, invented by Eli Whitney, took the seeds out of the cotton plant more quickly than people could which caused slavery to become even difficult on the enslaved Africans because they had to pick even more cotton faster.

What is the cotton gin?


This is the name of the railroad company that hired many Chinese men during the 1860s.

What is the Central Pacific Railroad?
