Communication to Documented Students
Prohibited Conduct
Conferences and Hearings
? Mystery ?

True/False: Students documented for incidents are equally held responsible for their actions.

What is false, students are individually held responsible for their behavior(s).


Sanctions that require a student to complete an assignment or reflection based on their behavior(s) is called a

What is an educational sanction?


True/False: Students are allowed to have appliances, such as space heaters in their residential rooms.

What is false.


Resident Katie has been documented for a lower-level incident (i.e., a candle in the room), what type of meeting will Resident Katie be required to attend with the Student Conduct Officer?

What is an initial conduct conference.


Evidence or information that rises to the level of more likely than not, or evidence that reaches the threshold of 51% is called ________.

What is preponderance of the evidence.


Resident Assitants are to submit prohibited conduct or CARE reports on which NCCC form?

What is Guardian.


Students are separated from the college for a set period of time under this sanction.

What is disciplinary suspension.


The Residence Hall Regulation that states students are permitted two (2) day guests per occupied bed is called ____ and found _______.

What is the guest policy under the Residence Hall Handbook.


Resident Katie has been documented for a higher level incident (i.e., a gathering of 25 people where alcohol was provided to minors), what type of meeting will Resident Katie be required to attend with Student Conduct Officer.

What is a disciplinary hearing.


Students who are temporarily given residential hall restrictions, temporarily removed from housing, or temporarily relocated to another residential room, are considered to be under an ________ action.

What is an interim action.


Students who are documented in an incident report  are referred to as the _________ in the student conduct process. 

What is a respondent. 


Sanctions are considered confidential, meaning they cannot be shared with another individual, and are protected under which federal law.

What is FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)


When a student is documented for having a gathering of 20 people in their private residential suite, which prohibited conduct is violated?

What is the fire code for occupancy numbers


What is it called when a decision is made in the absence of a student choosing not to participate in the student conduct process or fails to show up for a disciplinary proceeding.

What is absentia.


How does the Title IX process differ from traditional conduct cases?

They are different in that there are additional resources provided to all parties that are involved. There are mulitple ways that the incident can be reported. 


Define the difference between the Student Conduct Code and Residence Hall Regulations.

What is...

The Student Conduct Code outlines student's rights and responsibilities, prohibited conduct, procedures for disciplinary proceedings, the appeals process, honesty and confidentiality policy and other related University policies, including the Residence Hall Regulations.

The Residence Hall Regulations is an addendum to the Student Conduct Code outlining violations specific to the Residence Halls.


Students are permanently removed from residence halls (i.e. a room assignment) under this sanction.

What is removal from college housing.


Gina is a resident in Franklin Hall, and it having a fight with her suitemates at 2:37 am, which can be heard in the other suites, as well as in the parking lot. Which policy is Gina and her suitemates violating? 

What are quiet hours. 11:00 pm to 8:00 am, Sun-Thurs nights and  Midnight to 11:00 am,  Fri and Sat nights 


A meeting held between Student Conduct Office and students to assist them in preparing for a disciplinary hearing is called a ______.

What is a pre-hearing meeting.


Even if you are 21 years of age, what can you not consume/use on the NCCC Campus?

What are alcohol and marijuana or marijuana consumables 


Students are allowed to have an NCCC faculty, staff or student that can attend a disciplinary proceeding or meeting to support or consult them through the student conduct process.

What is an advisor.


Students can contest assigned sanctions under what section of the Student Conduct Code.

What is an appeal.


Students who refuse to provide an NCCC ID or identify themselves may be held responsible under which prohibited conduct in the Student Conduct Code.

Failure to comply with a resonable request of a college official, or residence life and housing staff member. This is including public safety and residence life staff members acting in performance of their duties.


Students who are eligible to have their case resolved without a disciplinary record may participate in a _______.

What is a restorative conference.

Restorative Justice Practices


Where can the NCCC Student Code of Conduct be found?

What is on the NCCC website under Student Support, specifically under Campus Safety. All students agree to follow this code by agreeing to attend NCCC. 
