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Payment Schemes
Case Study

Prohibit certain defined transactions, and sometimes travel, within the country’s territory.

What is Country Based Sanctions?

Example: Company A imports coal from North Korea without prepaying for it and resells to its coal customer. Company A collects payments in US dollars. Then, North Korea sends payment instructions to Company A for items it wants the company to purchase for the regime. The items are usually unrelated to the North Korean's entity's’ LOB.  What is Company A?

What is a Front Company?
The USA Patriot Act is an acronym for what?

What is the "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act"? 


North Korea _____________ (such as coal, iron, ore, and minerals) to China-based companies. The Chinese companies then sell the natural resources to the Asian markets.

What is sells/exports natural resources?


Acts as a conduit for North Korea by facilitating millions of dollars of transactions for companies involved in North Korea’s weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs

What is Bank of Dandong?

Target persons or groups who pose a threat to national security, foreign policy, and the economy .

What is List-Based Sanctions /Smart Sanctions?


What province in China is most known for its connection to North Korea?

What is Liaoning Province?

What Sanction Program or Agreement did North Korea agree to halt operations at its nuclear facilities and the US agreed to provide oil shipments and to construct 2 proliferation resistant light-water nuclear reactors? 

What is the Agreed Framework of 1994?


The way in which Chinese companies divide their payments into smaller outflows in a complex manner directly to front companies, shell companies, shipping and trade businesses often registered in Hong Kong, is part of what phase in AML? 

What is layering? 

What organization laundered US dollars on behalf of sanctioned North Korean banks that were seeking to procure petroleum products?  

What are Velmur Management Pte Ltd. and Transatlantic Partners Pte Ltd?


Use the strength of the US financial system as leverage to further national security measures .

What is Secondary Sanctions ?


Financial activity transacted through these companies can often occur in cycles, whereby one company (Company A) will pay a common beneficiary for a period of time and then cease payments. Once Company A ceases making payments, a different company (Company B, which shares an address with Company A), pays the same beneficiary.

What is the activity described? 

What is Surge Activity Cycles?
An institution had financial AML concerns which lead to approximately $24 million of North Korean assets frozen.
What is Banco Delta Asia (BDA)?

What is the process of disguising the proceeds of crime and moving value through the use of trade transactions in an attempt to legitimize their illicit origins?

What is Trade-based money laundering?

What organization is alleged for utilizing front companies to facilitate transactions in order to hide KKBCs presence from correspondent banks in the US?

What is Dandong Hongxiang Industrial Development Co. Ltd. (DHID)?

During what years was North Korea listed on the state sponsored terrorism list?
What is 1988-2008?