The Sami are perhaps the last _______ people in Europe.
What Internet calling platform software was developed in Estonia in 2003?
The Faroe Islands are a province of what country?
How is surveying helpful?
determining property boundaries and national borders, determining the size of the earth
The patterns of order we see in the universe is evidence that our world had what?
a design or designer
What animal are these people closely associated?
What law passes in Estonia in 2000 opened the door to a mostly paperless society and economy?
a law that gave digital signatures equal validity with written signatures
What animal helped to map the islands for Google?
What is surveying?
measuring the position of an object on the surface of the earth in relation to other objects by determining horizontal distances, elevations, angles, and directions
What is the term for the capacity people have to determine right and wrong as proof of God's existence?
moral argument for God
What city in Finland has been the site of several important international meetings and summit conferences?
What country controlled Estonia between the end of WWII and 1991?
U.S.S.R. or the Soviet Union
People use 19 what to get around the islands?
Of what profession is surveying a branch of?
civil engineering
What is the term for the belief that we cannot know whether God exists or not?
What is the term for the policy of not questioning the actions of a powerful neighboring country in exchange for a degree of independence?
What is the practice that allows people to set up businesses in Estonia without moving there?
virtual residence
What are the two largest components of the Faroe economy?
fishing, tourism
Von Struve measured the Struve Geodetic Arc using what technique?
What is the term for the idea that no single worldview is a valid basis of truth for all people?
postmodernism or pluralism
In what four countries is the homeland of the Sami people?
Norway, Sweden, Finland Russia
What is peat that is harvested from bogs in Estonia used for?
fuel and fertilizer
What is considered to be the oldest parliament in the world?
The Tinganes
What US president was originally a surveyor of the western lands of America?
George Washington
With what logical proof of God's existence is Thomas Aquinas often associated?
God as a First Cause