Bloody Sunday
Northern Ireland
Locate the Mistake
Autumn Rain
Good Girl

This is when Bloody Sunday took place in Londonderry, i.e. the exact day and year.

What is Sunday, 30th January, 1972?


This is where you will find Northern Ireland on a map.

What is located in the northeast of the island of Ireland, sharing a border to the south and west with the Republic of Ireland.


Fejlen i sætningen A press conference was holded by the police after the riots.

What is 'holded'? Her er det meget væsentligt at kunne skelne mellem regelmæssige verber (som ender på -ed i præteritum og perfektum participium) og uregelmæssige verber, som skifter tempus/form ved en vokalændring, i eksemplet fra o til e (held).


This is what we know about Eliot, the third-person narrator of the text - and the character whose thoughts we have access to.

Think of the text presentation you made earlier on.


This is the author behind this short story.

Who is Marita Conlon-McKenna?


This is what we know about what happened on Bloody Sunday back in January of 1972.

Say as much as you can about this event. If your friends are happy about your knowledge, you are home free.


This is a euphemism for the conflict in Northern Ireland from the late 1960s to the Good Friday Agreement in 1998.

What is "The Troubles"?


Fejlen i sætningen Due to her pregnancy she should avoid to drink alcohol.

What is 'to drink'? På engelsk er der en række verber, som altid følges af et andet verbum i præsens participium/ing-form. 'avoid' er et af disse verber. Dette fænomen har absolut intet med udvidet tid/form at gøre som i "Peter is watching television'.


This is what we are told about the hierarchy among the men in the car.

In your answer you must mention all four men in the car.


This is basically what this short story is all about: who, when, where and what.

You can speak for at least 30 seconds here.


This is what the U2 song "Bloody Sunday" is all about – and how it ends.

If you can't remember the lyrics very well, look at the text, for instance here:


This is what the conflict in Northern Ireland is all about.

In you answer you must mention words like Catholics and Protestants, Unionists and Loyalists, paramilitary groups, British soldiers, Ireland and Great Britain/United Kingdom, very old history, civil rights, internment without trial and different standards of living.


Fejlen i sætningen Nadeem and the young man, which name is Faisal, are best friends.

What is 'which'? Dansk relativt 'hvis' gengives på engelsk af 'whose', som er genitivformen af det relative pronomen 'who'.


This is the reason why Richard Crawford has entitled his story Autumn Rain.      

When you presented the text a couple of weeks ago, you had many fine suggestions.


This is what we can say about Chrissy's relationship to her two sisters in the text, her younger sister and her older sister.

You are the experts on this question.


These are some of the filmic/cinematic devices in the film "Bloody Sunday".

In your answer you way have included words like Dogme 95 school of filmmaking, hand-held camera, cross-cutting between scenes, no music, documentary style etc. The effect is that what appears on screen feels very authentic/real.


One of the four traditional Irish provinces in the north of Ireland, made up of nine counties, of which six constitute Northern Ireland (a part of the United Kingdom), and the remaining three are in the Republic of Ireland.

What is Ulster?


Fejlen i sætningen I am worried about that they won’t make it in time.

What is 'about that'? På engelsk må en præposition (her 'about') ikke styre (det vil sige stå foran) en 'that'-ledsætning eller en infinitivkonstruktion.


These are some of the reasons why Autumn Rain can be characterized as a short story.

A short story usually focuses on only one incident, has a single plot, a single setting, a limited number of characters, and covers a short period of time. Besides, it often begins in medias res and often has an open ending. 


This is what constitures [udgør] the conflict in the test.

This question is almost too easy for 400 points!


These are the names of the character of Ivan Cooper and the director of the film "Bloody Sunday".

Who are James Nesbitt and Paul Greengrass?


This is the number of people living in Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland. A deviation of 25,000 people is acceptable.

What is 341,877 as of 2018?


Fejlen i sætningen Paul is an honest guy, and he likes to talk open about what is going on.

What is 'open'? Her skal adverbiet 'openly' bruges, da det beskriver verbet 'to talk'.


This is how we as readers can interpret the story. In other words, this is what Mr Crawford would like us to take with us after having read the story.

You can say a lot here. One suggestion would be that violence is a large factor in Northern Ireland and that violent groups get away with their actions. Another suggestion would be that people from one community may very well punish other people belonging to the same community for their wrongdoings.


These are the themes of the text AND what the author would like to tell us through her story, i.e. the message of the text.

Think of your text presentation - and these answers would be rather obvious.
