In 1858, gold was discovered in ______ __________.
New Caledonia
What did the Reciprocity Treaty allow?
Free trade between the United States and British North America
What fraction of people with small pox died?
The Red River Settlement was in __________ _______
Rupert's Land
Who are the Metis?
Metis are Aboriginal people descended from a First Nations mother and a father of European descent.
Around 30,000 ___-_______ prospectors arrived from British North America.
Many Americans believed that people from China were _____________________?
Taking their jobs
After 18 months _______ out of _________ people in the colony had died of small pox.
(still gets points if close)
Many Metis families sent their children to ____________ ___________ schools.
European Settler
What is the Aboriginal Title?
The legal recognition that a particular territory belongs to a specific First Nations group.
Mining polluted water which threatened?
First Nations fishing supply
Businesses hired unemployed Chinese workers to reduce ____.
What fraction of British Indigenous people died?
2/3-two thirds
As fertile land in the East became less common mid 1850's Scottish immigrants arrived hoping to find land which made it difficult for _____, who were already __________.
Metis, living on the land
Who is Louis Goulet?
Metis trader who traveled between the Red River Settlement and other areas.