What "gift" does Bruno from Encanto possess?
The ability to see into the future
What type of animal friend does Moana have?
This team of cars is always helping the city
Team Umi Zoomi
This show is based under water
Hint Creature report
In the Disney Channel series "K.C. Undercover," K.C.'s best friend is called _______
Name of college Mike and Sully go to in Monsters Inc?
Monsters University
What does Rapunzel use as a weapon against Flynn in Tangled?
A frying pan
What is the name of Dora's cousin?
What does Mickey Mouse say to open his Clubhouse?
Miska Mooska Mickey Mouse
In the Nickelodeon show "The Thundermans," Phoebe's best friend is called _____
name five characters from inside out
Joy, Anger, Disgust, Sadness, Fear
What animal was Mushu from Mulan?
Tommy Dill Angelica and Suzzie are always bound to get into some kind of trouble in this show
How many little Einsteins were there?
How many sisters does Lincoln loud have?
The song that Elsa and Anna sing when they are little?
Do You Want To Build A Snowman
In Aladdin, what animal is Rajah?
A tiger
These pets are always listening out for the phone to save the day
Wonder pets
What superpowers do all the PJ Masks kids have?
Speed(cat boy), Flying (owlet), Strength & Invisibility (gecko)
In Sam n Cat what did Cat call her Grandma?
In The Incredibles, what was Violet's superpower?
Which Disney princess has a tattoo?
What is the name of the pack leader in Paw Patrol?
He and his pirates are always fighting off captain hook
Jake and the Neverland Pirates
young boy with two fairies that give him what he wants
The Fairly oddparents