Reference Resources
Author's Purpose
Main Idea
Text Evidence

What is the meaning of validation as it is used in the sentence from paragraph 7?

It’s a system based on social approval, likes and dislikes, validation in views, success in followers . . . it’s perfectly orchestrated judgment.

 n 1. the act of establishing the soundness, accuracy, or legitimacy of


Pairs of words that connect words, phrases, and clauses are called what?

correlative conjunction


When the author writes to do this, they might write:

  • editorials
  • opinion essays/blogs
  • advertisements

to persuade / to argue


what can the reader most likely conclude about interacting with the influencer world?

    It can be quite enjoyable if you follow certain suggestions.


Reread the section “#Worldofinfluencers.

The author claims that the impact of influencers has
been somewhat positive. 

Which sentence from the selection best supports this claim? Find it in the paragraphs

There’s a lot to admire about influencers, especially those who promote good ideas.
(paragraph 5)


What  is a valuable resource for checking definitions and expanding your vocabulary?

A dictionary 


Choose the correct correlative conjunction to replace the underlined word in the sentence below.

Influencers whether blog and vlog to get attention from the Internet community.



When the author writes to do this, they might write:

  • encyclopedia entries
  • informative articles
  • how-to articles
  • biographies

To inform or explain


What is the author’s point of view about the influencer world?

    It’s not as great as it appears to be.


What evidence shows, the influencer world can be quite enjoyable if you follow certain suggestions.

Some now believe the influencer world is fading. They see weary audiences who are tired of all the perfect images. Still, others see this world as only evolving. Overall, it takes a degree of critical thinking and natural skepticism to navigate this complex world. It’s not necessary to shun influencers; simply try to strike a balance in your choices.

It’s not necessary to shun influencers; simply try to strike a balance in your choices.


What is the meaning of deliberately as it is used in the sentence from paragraph 8 below?

They are deliberately designed to appear that way.

done with or marked by full consciousness of the nature and effects


The two parts of a correlative conjunction need to connect what?

Similar parts of speech, phrases, or clauses.


When the author writes to do this, they might write:

  • poems
  • personal essays
  • journals

To express thoughts or feelings


Reread “#Worldofinfluencers".

What are the two purposes of this section?

To describe what influencers do

To Explain why influencers have power.


Rereade the last paragraph (8).

What is the difference between reality and glamour in the last paragraph of the selection? 

Provide  at least 2 pieces of evidence!

The influencer world presents a made-up reality. 

*She mentions how some people “see weary audiences who are tired of all the perfect images."

*She also provides advice that helps underscore the contrast, writing, “Not everything may be as perfect or as real as what you see.”

*She advises readers to understand what they are actually seeing. She writes, “Don’t measure yourself against the seemingly perfect images.”


What are 2 pieces of information you can find in a dictionary entry? 

  • pronunciation
  • one or more definitions
  • part of speech
  • etymology (word origin or history)

Name 5 Correlative conjunctions 

either / or
no sooner / than
neither / nor
whether / or
both / and


When the author writes to do this, they might write:

  • stories
  • novels
  • some essays

to entertain


Why does the author use headings throughout the selection?

    To highlight the main ideas in each section


Fill in the blanks:

To support an analysis of a text you read, you need to _______ ________, or provide specific information from the text.

cite evidence


What is the part of speech of the word analysis?

a•nal•y•sis (ə-năl’ ĭ-sĭs) n. 1. The separation of an intellectual or material whole into its constituent parts for individual study

(n) noun



A) Neither Kenzo nor his friends understands how he was fooled.

B)Neither Kenzo nor his friends understand how he was fooled.

B) Neither Kenzo nor his friends understand how he was fooled.


What is the author's purpose in writing "Not Everything It Seems"

to argue or persuade readers that the influencer world has problems beneath the surface.


 Which idea does the author reinforce throughout the selection?

    The influencer world should be approached with caution.


What are examples of text evidence? Name at least 2.

Evidence can include facts, definitions, quotations, and concrete details.
