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What is this 1996 manga that has a boy who solves an ancient puzzle?
How many Poke Dollars would you need to buy a Starbucks Frappuccino?
4,000 Poke Dollars
Who was the original Dracula?
Vladimir the Impaler
Fill in the blanks to this title: "The R_ and F_ of the Third _". Hint: (N _ _ _ s)
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
What is the answer to this joke? [A neutron walks into the bar and says, "Bartender, how much is a drink?" The Bartender says, "for you sir, no _.]
What is the name of the main character in this manga series, where he finds a note book that has the power to kill people when he writes there names in it? Hint: (A shinigami named Ryuk haunts this person)
Light Yagami from "DeathNote"
How many Rupees would you need to have to buy a McDonald's Happy Meal?
28 Rupees
What is the name of a castle building game series, where you have to decide your strategic building style before you start building?
Name the title of this book where a man named "Pilgrim" is trying to "Progess" in his attempt (and success) of getting to the Celestial City.
The Pilgrim's Progress
What is the my two middle names? (200 for each) Hint: (The first one rhymes with "Fierce" The second has the beggining of a canine (dog, etc.) and the end of a kind of group, (mob, party, etc.)
200 - Pierce 200 - Wolfgang
What is the name of this anime/manga series, in which a young mand named Ichigo becomes a "soul reaper" after meeting Rukia (who is also a soul reaper)?
How much Yen does it take to create 100,000 U.S Dollars?
About 12,000,000 Y (Twelve Million)
What is the name of this famous game series, in which you play as a first player shooter, which recently came out with its newest release, "_ of _ 3"?
Call of Duty
What is the name of this book, where a legendary knight creates a "round" table with the aid of "Merlin"?
King Arthur (and the Knights of the Round Table)
As Kaiser is to Csear, a grave is to this.
Tomb, resting place, burial place, etc.
What is the name of this anime that takes nations of the world, and gives them a human form based on their stereotypes? Hint: ("Italy" and Germany are the main characters)
What is the equivalent amount of money from Dungeons and Dragons currency compared to US currency? Hint: (10 copper pieces= 1 silver piece, 10 silver pieces= 1 gold piece. How many "pennies" does it take to make a "dime"?)
1 copper = 1 penny 1 silver = 1 dime 1 gold = 1 dollar
The name of this dramatic series where the main characters are Wolves who are trying to reach "Paradise"? Hint: (_ Rain)
Wolf's Rain
What is the title of this series of books/movies where the main "actors" are Daniel Radcliff, Rubert Grint, and Emma Watson? Hint: (You're a wizard _.)
Harry Potter
What is the term for where in a castle, people are put there for their crimes? Hint: (This particular word starts with "d", as like a certain game series title {mentioned earlier})
A Dungeon
What is the name of these SEVEN homunculi from the "Fullmetal Alchemist Series" MANGA?
Pride, Greed, Wrath, Gluttony, Sloth, Envy, and Lust
What is the name of the currency from the classic Yu-Gi-Oh games? Hint: (The name of the currency is named not only after the city Yugi lives in, but also these toys that are fun to line up then knock down)
What is the term for when a fire arm is fired so much, that the barrel over heats and does this?
Warps (Warped)
What is the title of this great trilogy, where J.R.R Tolkein shows us a world where these little creatures set off to destroy this object?
The Lord of the Rings
What are the names of my three best (freshmen) friends? Hint(s): First two go to this school. A-_-_-_ St-_-dt Cody _ $The third one is not a freshmen (she looks young enough to be one though, but acts more maturely) Hannah Camm-_-_-on-Cox
Alex Stadt Cody Walnoaha Hannah Cammeron-Cox