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What was the weather report on September 15
What is cloudy with a chance of Rapture
Who was right about everything
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What did Uncle pat want that he got
What is ocean view
Which song has the most streams
What is One time
How many red heifers are there
What is 5
Who has never told a lie
What is Vivek Ramaswamy
What does shawty want
What is a Xanax
What is something Jona has never thrown away
What is papi's cigarettes
How many songs were on their debut album
What is 10
What is the rabi's name in Jona's video
What is Yitshack Mamo
What did Joe that made Kamala call him
What is become the next president of the united states
What did Kanye buy after arriving at his destination
What is Uber
What is the non believers
Name of the festival they played on the video we all watched together
What is Cornerstone
How many members of BRICS did Jona say there was gonna be?
What is 10
Who controls Joe Biden according to Uncle Tony
What is the CCP
Who did Kanye think he saw in his backyard
What is Messi
Where did they go shopping in Grandparents Mcmahon
What is CVS/Drug Store/Walgreens
Name of their second album
What is The rise of modern simulation
What are the two jewish holidays that Jona said would coincide with Jesus coming back?
What is Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur