which two notes add together to create a half note
it is represented by a ring with no stem. It is the longest note now in common use.
what is the definition of a half note
a note having the time value of two quarter notes or half of a whole note, represented by a ring with a stem.
a musical note having the time value of a quarter of a whole note or half a half note, represented by a large solid dot with a plain stem
What is the definition of an 8th note
a note having the time value of an eighth of a whole note or half a quarter note, represented by a large dot with a hooked stem.
Definition of a sixteenth note
a note having the time value of a sixteenth of a whole note or half an eighth note, represented by a large dot with a two-hooked stem.
How many beats is two quarter notes
How many beats is a Dotted Whole Note Worth?
What is 6