When should you check Cabon Monoxide be checked?
What is weekly?
Includes Change in mental status.
New information provided by clients.
Objectives that were focused on.
What is Progress Notes?
If a client is not present during a fire drill, we should.
What is make sure they are present for the next one.
What should you do when documenting and you made an error.
What is draw a single line through an error, write "error", initial & date.
Who responsibility is it to conduct bedrooms checks & pickup, and bed bugs checks?
What is staff?
Must be signed by Author & QMHS
What is Reviews?
Senior's meetings are held how often?
What is the 3rd Tuesday of the month?
Who is the most important person that should be included in the menu planning?
What is the Consumer?
What is a part of daily cleaning and who is responsible?
What is Kitchen, Common areas, bathrooms?
Staff is responsible.
What does the S.M.A.R.T acronym stand for?
What is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely?
What are services provided to increase the individual's awareness of alcohol and substances abuse.
What is SAS?
What is the 3rd and 4th thing staff should do when arriving to work?
What is reading the log & debriefing between shifts?
What should be done before the 4pm shift arrive?
What is Dinner should be prepared and in the oven?
The day of the month Billing should be started?
What is the 15th?
Means activities which focus on the acquisition of skills and capabilities to maintain primary activities of daily life.
What is DLS?
When documenting we should be sure that it is?
What is person centered?(I)
What does downtime look like for staff?
What is progress notes, household responsibilities?
How many progress notes should be entered each week for consumers?
What is 4?
*Although we would like to see more 4 is the least that should be entered a week for each consumer.
Means activities which are designed to help individuals identify skills and community supports necessary for specific environments, assess their skills, strengths and deficits.
What is CI?
Below is what an Objective, or Method
*I will sweep the floor each week by the end of the review period.
What is an objective?
How often should house council meetings be held?
What is monthly?