Form of government in which a monarch has complete power.
What is absolutism?
Releasing a soul from purgatory in exchange for a contribution.
What is an indulgence?
Helped expand European borders.
Who is Marco Polo?
Began with Newton's Principia Mathematica.
What is the Enlightenment?
At the height of its empire, this country controlled one-fifth of the world's land area
What is Great Britain?
Position that Napoleon was elevated to in 1802
What is First Consul?
A church door in Wittenberg.
Where did Martin Luther nail his Ninety-Five Theses?
The 2 predominant motivations for English colonial settlements.
What are economic gain and religious freedom?
Seen as ending the Enlightenment.
What is the French Revolution?
If this system is strong, it helps make a nation strong because it provides food and jobs for the people
What is agriculture?
Dynasty that ruled Russia from 1613-1917
Who was Romanov?
He was excommunicated from the church b/c he divorced his wife and married again without an annulment from the Pope.
Who is Henry VIII?
Furniture that was at hone time rare in European homes and was reserved for head of family of a guest.
What is a chair?
Isaac Newton
Helped about 10,000 orphan children
Who was George Müller?
Red shirts
Who were the volunteer army led by Guiseppe Garibaldi?
Oversaw translation of the Great Bible
Who was Miles Coverdale?
Rejected Columbus' proposal first.
What is Portugal?
The name of this garment means "thing to wear"
What is a kimono
This was the trade route between China and Rome
What is the Silk Road?
Introduced coffee in Europe in 1615
Who are the Venetian merchants?
What is the Institutes of the Christian Religion?
Elected Charles V to become Holy Roman Emporer in 1516.
German Princes
Banned Galileo's book and imprisoned him.
What is the Inquisition?
Tried to get a law passed that would give Ireland home rule.
Who was William Gladstone?