When do you scan in and out of the Club?
What is when you enter the Club and when you leave the Club.
What are acceptable forms of touch?
What is consensual high fives, consensual hugs, consensual handshakes.
What is the definition of bullying?
What is a person who is seeking to harm, or intimidate another person.
What is our phone rule?
What is, no phones allowed until after programming.
What is one person at a time.
What must you do if you forget something on School Campus? (2-part answer)
1. What is tell a staff member.
2. What is fill out sign out sheet.
What are non-acceptable forms of touch?
Handholding, kissing, cuddling, lap sitting, inappropriate touching/excessive touching.
What are the different forms of bullying?
What is:
Physical Bullying
Verbal Bullying
Cyber Bullying
Sexual Bullying
What do you do and where do you go if you need to use your phone for an emergency?
1. What is notify a staff member and ask for permission.
2. Sit at the front of the Club to handle your business.
What are two important things you need to do during power hour?
1. What is staying silent/quiet
2. What is keeping busy with homework, worksheets, journaling, painting, something.
There is no distracting peers. There are no phone times unless given the privilege to, there is no doing nothing.
What should you fill out on the sign out sheet?
What is:
First Name
Last Name
Time Out
Time back In
What are the levels of consequences for breaking these rules?
What is verbal warming, written warning, call parents, suspension.
What is the consequence for fighting in the Club?
What is automatic suspension.
If parents need to get ahold of you what other ways can they do that?
What is call the Club phone.
What goes in the blue trash and what goes in the black trash?
1. What is recycling materials
2. What is trash.
Please refer to the pictures above the trashcans.
If you want to check out a board game/video game, what must you do?
What is fill out signup sheet for board game and video game.
Where should you be at all times?
What is stay in line of sight of staff. No hiding, no sitting on the floor, no going to the bathroom together.
Scenario: "Taylor you look fat"
What form of bullying is this?
What is verbal bullying.
There is no body shamming, no name calling, no gay jokes, no yo momma jokes, no cursing in English, Spanish, Spanglish, French, Sign-language, etc. No slurs.
What are ways to get more phone privileges?
What is, following the rules, good behavior, and how quiet you are during power hour.
Absolutely no phones during programming. Engagement is key in order to get more phone privileges as well.
What are the two places you are allowed to eat and what should you do after you are done eating?
1. What is food court
2. What is back patio.
3. What is clean up after yourself.
No eating in the games room, learning center, media rooms, and tech room.
If you lose your membership card, what should you do?
What should you do if you see your peers breaking the rules?
A. What is confront peers.
B. What is catch this fade.
C. What is tell a staff.
D. What is do nothing.
C. What is tell a staff.
What is the number one rule of the Club?
What is respect.
Golden rule. Respect peers and respect staff.
What are the consequences of breaking the phone rule?
What is, verbal warning, phone taken and stored in locker until you leave, call parents.
What are some enrichment programs we offer, starting in September?
What is:
Torch Club
Money Matters