what do you hang on your house
Christmas lights
What's under your Christmas tree
what is long and can measure things
what is in a waffle
ice cream
what is pink and round
what is round and is made of snow
a snowman
What do you put on top of your Christmas tree
a star
what can you sit on in class
a chair
what is hot
the sun
what is strong and good to ride on
a horse
what can you bake in the oven
a chicken
what does rudolf have on his face
a red nose
what can you write on
a paper
what hurts when it hurts you
a crab
what can say mooo
a cow
what is sweet
what is red and white and is candy
candy cane
what can you write with
a pencil
what can you swim in
what can lay eggs
a chicken
what does santa love
what's saying ding dong
a bell
what can you sit at
what is round and jump wen you throw it
a beach ball
what is big and live in the water
a whale