What are the nouns: Three boys stood on a rock.
boys and rock.
What is the verb: The girl ran to the store.
What is the adjective: a bunch of funny boys told jokes
What is Funny
What are the nouns?
The students went to class.
Nouns: students, class
Find the nouns and verbs. The girls were using colored markers to draw Harvard Junior High.
Nouns: girls, markers, Harvard Junior High. Verbs: draw
What are the nouns: Valeria and Carolina stood near the lake.
Valeria, Carolina, lake
What are the verbs: The goats were running around the yard.
were running
What are the adjectives: Black bears live in the forest.
Adjective: Black
What are the verbs?
Buses stop and pick up passengers at the corner.
Verbs: stop, pick
Find the nouns and verbs: Down the road, the children could see the dog playing with the ball.
Nouns: road, children, dog, ball
Verbs: see, playing
What are the nouns: My little sister was holding a puppy and a kitten at the store.
sister, puppy, kitten, store
What are the verbs: The children were laughing at the clowns.
were laughing
What are the adjectives: Claire saw a little girl pulling a red wagon.
What are little, red
What are the nouns?
Lions, tigers, and bears may be living in the forest.
Nouns: Lions, tigers, bears, forest.
Find the nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Two, little girls climbed in the car.
Nouns: boys, car. Verb: climbed. Adjectives: Two, little
What are the nouns: Trains have wheels, engines and many cars.
trains, wheels, engines, cars
What are the verbs: The boys are running and playing at school.
What is running , playing
What are the adjectives?
Some young children like chocolate cake with yummy scoops of vanilla ice cream.
What are young, chocolate, yummy, vanilla
What are the adjectives?
The children were spraying silly string all over the green grass.
Adjectives: silly, green
Find the nouns, verbs, and adjectives:
Funny, little boys shouted their answers and danced in the hallway.
Nouns: boys, answers, hallway.
Verbs: shouted, danced.
Adjectives: Funny, little
What are the nouns: Five mean goats chased the farmer, his wife and children around the bushes in the yard.
goats, farmer, wife, children, bushes, yard
What are the verbs: The teachers worked all day and then studied at night.
What are must have worked, studied
What are the adjectives?: The gray clouds produced loud thunder and bolts of lightning that frightened the young children.
gray, loud, young, frightened
What are the nouns and verbs?
Six hungry children were mixing the dough and cooking the cookies.
Nouns: children, cookies. Verbs: mixing, cooking.
What are the nouns, verbs, and adjectives:
The vanilla ice cream slid off the tiny blue plate.
Nouns: ice cream, plate.
Verb: slid
Adjectives: vanilla, tiny, blue