"The cat is on the mat"
What is the noun?
Noun-Animal: CAT
"The flowers bloom in spring."
What is the noun?
Noun-thing: FLOWERS
"The toys are inside the bin."
What is the verb?
Verb: ARE
"Makena has neat handwriting."
What is the verb?
Verb: HAS
"The Mexican food is spicy and hot."
What are the two adjectives?
Adjectives: SPICY and HOT
"My friend plays with me"
What is the noun?
Noun-person: FRIEND
"My mom cooks a delicious dinner."
What is the verb?
"The cows eat grass in the field."
What is the verb?
Verb: EAT
"Ellison draws beautiful pictures."
What is the verb?
A telegraph operator tapped out the message in code...
What is the adjective?
"The kids play in the yard."
What is the verb?
Verb: PLAY
"Charlotte is the Teacher's Helper this week."
What is the noun?
Noun-person: CHARLOTTE
"The police officer takes care of the community."
What is the noun?
Noun-person: police officer
"You are talking too loud!"
What is the adjective?
They may not have ever traveled more than 20 or 30 miles from home.
What is the verb?
"Annie reads books every day".
What is the verb?
"The test is easy!" says Mason.
What is the verb?
Verb: IS
"Roslyn has a nice personality."
What is the adjective?
Adjective: NICE
The telegraph was a machine that sent coded messages over a wire.
What is the adjective?
Adjective: WAS
The first commercial radio station began broadcasting in 1920.
What are the 2 adjectives?
"The classroom has a blue carpet."
What is the adjective?
Adjective: BLUE
"The sand feels rough on my feet."
What is the adjective?
Adjective: ROUGH
"I am cold!" says Finn.
What is the adjective?
Adjective: COLD
In 1898 Marconi sent a wireless message across the English Channel to France.
What is the adjective?
Adjective: wireless
Marconi sent wireless waves all the way across the Atlantic Ocean!
What is the adjective?
Adjective: ATLANTIC