Who had the power of the portal keeper?
What relationship is introduced in the Portal Keeper?
The relationship ship of Emily and Morgan being girlfriends.
What is the name of the village the group decides to help?
Which people went to Aski?
Eli, Morgan and Emily.
What were the recent problems going around in Ministik?
Many Ministik residents were being kidnapped and were going missing.
Which group guides Eli, Morgan and Emily to Ministik?
The Bird Warriors
What is the name of Eli's newfound dog?
Where were they exploring before discovering Ministik?
The World End
What and who caused Morgan, Eli and Emily to be caught?
A trap which was set off from red eating a piece meat which was bait.
How were the kidnappings of Ministik residents caused?
By humans from earth.
What is the name of the lynx that helped the group leave Ministik?
Which people newly discover the existence of Aski?
Morgan's foster parents and Kokom.
What is the name of the place where Morgan's Kokom lives?
Norway House Cree Nation
What caused the bird warriors to split up?
Due to conflicts of the ability on protecting Misewa and how to protect it.
What happened to tragic events took place in Ministik near the end of the book?
The whole village was lit up in flames.
What was the name of the chipmunk that helps the group through their journey?
What ability does Eli learn he can do during the book?
The ability to create or find portals.
Where do they find a new portal?
On Eli's family's trapline.
What causes Eli to be able to make portals?
Panic Attacks
Who dies in Ministik after being shot by Ochek?
Trick Question: No One
Who informs the group about the missing villagers?
The chief of Ministik, Ashek.
What force or feeling does Eli fell through out the book?
"The Pull"
Which area in Aski does majority of the book take place in?
The North Country
Eli is Half Human and Half ______???
What did the Kidnappers of Ministik residents do to the children and Animals?
They kidnapped them by tying up the kid's and capturing Ace and Sasak.