Failures Turned Success Stories
November, November
Good Reads
Pole Dancing
Where in the World

He is best known for inventing the electric lightbulb.

Who is Thomas Edison? He was once quoted as saying, “I have not failed 10,000 times—I’ve successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work.


November is the last full month of this season in the northern hemisphere.

: What is fall? Winter officially starts on December 21 for us, but meteorologists follow a slightly different calendar. Meteorological fall is September, October, and November, to reflect typical fall weather patterns.


This is the best-selling book of all time.

What is the Bible? As of 2021, it tops the Guinness list with five billion sold.


Penguins inhabit this pole.

What is south? Penguins don’t live in the Arctic region. They are found outside Antarctica in Australia, New Zealand, along the South Atlantic Ocean coasts in South America, and in South Africa.


This U.S. city has some skyscrapers with their own zip codes.

What is New York City? It has more than 40 buildings with their own zip codes, and Saks Fifth Avenue’s shoe department has its own zip code. It was created in partnership with the USPS in 2007 as part of a marketing strategy.


He bombed as a stand-up comic in front of a live audience before his wild success as the star of the eponymous TV sitcom about nothing.

Who is Jerry Seinfeld? At his first live performance, he was booed off the stage but persisted, refining his act until he became a comedic sensation. In the ’90s, Seinfeld was the hit sitcom about nothing.


The Roman Catholic Church celebrates All Saints’ Day on this day in November.

What is November 1? All Souls’ Day is celebrated on November 2


He created the character Tiny Tim.

Who is Charles Dickens? Dickens introduced Tiny Tim to the world in his classic novel A Christmas Carol, the best-selling Christmas book ever.


This pole does not exist on a solid ice mass. It consists of water and is surrounded by land.

What is north? The south pole is the exact opposite. It is a landmass surrounded by water.


This is the capital of Portugal.

What is Lisbon? Each year, eight million tourists visit the site of the miracle of Fátima in Portugal, north of Lisbon.


Before he built his theme park empire, this household name was fired from his newspaper job for lack of creativity.

Who is Walt Disney? Some estimates place his net worth at the time of his death at $1 billion.


This holiday falls on November 11 and celebrates members of the armed forces.

What is Remembrance Day?


Noah Webster published this genre of book.

What is dictionary or reference? He wrote the first American dictionary. The finished product took 28 years to write and publish.


This pole has bears.

What is north? Polar bears are found only in and around the Arctic Circle.


It is one of the two countries Mount Everest spans.

What is Nepal or Tibet? Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world, and it continues growing every year due to a phenomenon known as geological uplift.


He failed his music classes and was told, “You ain’t goin’ nowhere, son. You ought to go back to driving a truck,” after his first paying performance. In 1954, he recorded his first hit “That’s All Right” and later became known as the king of rock ’n’ roll.

Who is Elvis Presley? You can visit Graceland to see his three Grammy Awards along with his gold, platinum, and diamond records.


This autumn fruit can be used to make a sauce, dehydrated as a snack, or baked in a pie––varieties include Braeburn and Jonagold.

What is apple? There are over 7,000 varieties of apples grown all over the world.


This “Queen of Mystery” holds the top spot as the world’s best-selling fiction author.

Who is Agatha Christie? Many of her mystery novels have been adapted for the stage and screen. The Mousetrap premiered on the London stage in 1952, and it has had the longest run of all time. It’s currently in its 70th year.


This is the reason for the ongoing dance among nations to claim ownership of the north pole.

What are natural resources (or anything close)? The region is home to the world’s largest supply of oil and gas resources.


Piccadilly Circus is in this capital city.

What is London? Circuses are areas in London where many roads intersect at various points in a circle, and it comes from the Latin circ, meaning “circle.”


“Can’t sing. Can’t act. Balding. Can dance a little.” was the note from an RKO executive after this Silk Stockings star’s first screen test.

Who is Fred Astaire? He went on to be honored with the American Film Institute’s Lifetime Achievement Award, a BAFTA Film Award, three Primetime Emmys, and an Honorary Academy Award.


This is one of the two November birthstones.

What is topaz or citrine? A


He authored this go-to book for new mothers in the 1960s.

Who is Dr. Benjamin Spock? Baby and Child Care was first published in 1946 and has been translated into 39 languages, with sales of more than 50 million copies.


This admiral is famous for his expeditions to the north and south poles in the 1920s.

Who is Admiral (Richard) Byrd? He flew over the north pole in 1926 and the south pole in 1929.


Peru is more than just Machu Picchu. This vibrant city is its capital.

What is Lima? The steep cliffs along the Pacific Ocean offer breathtaking views.
