Tech Companies
Alphabet Soup
U.S. Civics
It Happened One November
Happy Birthday, November Baby

This Tech Company is named after the Fruit that keeps the DR away.

What is Apple?


The IRS falls under this department.

What is the Treasury?


This document states in the first paragraph, “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth….”

What is the Declaration of Independence? 


On November 12, 1954, this famous U.S. port of entry closed.

What is Ellis Island?


Born November 7, 1918, this evangelist was known for his old-time revivals before he became a televangelist. 

Who is Who is Billy Graham?


This three-letter company, nicknamed Big Blue, began its technological innovation as far back as the 19th century and was famous for its jacket-and-tie dress code until the late 1990s.

What is IBM?


The DNI oversees all of these types of agencies.

What is intelligence? The Director of National Intelligence is appointed by the president


This pursuit is listed in the Declaration of Independence.

What is of Happiness?


On November 10, 1969, the Muppets debuted on this children’s TV show.

What is Sesame Street?


Born November 4, 1879, he co-authored his autobiography I Never Met a Man I Didn’t Like and is quoted as having said, “A stranger is just a friend I haven't met yet.”

Who is Will Rogers?


This company’s name is the same as a word that refers to a person through whom a deity speaks.

What is Oracle?


The FBI falls under this department.

What is Department of Justice?


This is the supreme law of the land.

What is the Constitution? 


On November 1, 1765, the British Parliament enacted this act, which placed a tax on every piece of paper in the colonies.

What is the Stamp Act?


Born November 13, 1955, she is a long-time host of The View and has played starring and supporting roles in films including The Color Purple, Jumpin’ Jack Flash, Ghost, and the Sister Act films.

Who is Whoopi Goldberg?


Daily Double!!!!!!!

This company’s name has become the generic name for machines that print copies of an original document.

What is Xerox?


This group, the RCMP, keeps our Canadian neighbors safe.

What is the Royal Canadian Mounted Police?


These are two of the United States Territories. (Not States)

What is Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, or Guam?


Daily Double!!!!!

On November 21, 1877, Thomas Edison introduced this, his first invention.

What is the phonograph (or record player)? The first song he played was “Mary Had a Little Lamb


Daily Double!!!!

Born November 28, 1962, he is best known as the host of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show and won several Primetime Emmy Awards for his performances on the show.

Who is Jon Stewart?


This tech company’s name means “to run a short distance at top speed.”

What is Sprint?


Daily Double!!!!!!

This is what NIH stands for.

What is National Institutes of Health?


Daily Double!!!!

This adjective refers to both houses of the legislative branch.

What is bicameral?


On November 2, 1948, this great presidential upset took place.

What is Truman beats Dewey? The Chicago Tribune famously ran the headline “Dewey Defeats Truman


Born November 4, 1946, she was No. 43’s first lady.

Who is Laura Bush?
