It's a Small World
Name's the Same
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Thanksgiving Traditions
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This small, red summer fruit develops tiny seeds on the outside and often tops shortcake.

What is strawberry? Strawberry plants are most often propagated not by planting these tiny seeds but by planting the runners from mature plants, which will produce roots for a new plant.


Hanks, Edison, and Jefferson

What is Tom or Thomas? Respectively, they are an actor, an inventor, and a founding father.


He is best known for inventing the electric lightbulb.

Who is Thomas Edison? He was once quoted as saying, “I have not failed 10,000 times—I’ve successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work.”


This is the granddaddy of all Thanksgiving Day parades.

What is Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade? The inaugural parade in 1924 was named the Macy’s Day Parade, and in 1927, it was renamed to reflect the Thanksgiving holiday.


November is the last full month of this season in the northern hemisphere.

What is fall? Winter officially starts on December 21 for us, but meteorologists follow a slightly different calendar. Meteorological fall is September, October, and November, to reflect typical fall weather patterns.


This is the best-selling book of all time.

What is the Bible? As of 2021, it tops the Guinness list with five billion sold.


This melodious flyer is the world’s smallest bird.

What is hummingbird? Cuba is home to the smallest hummingbird, the bee hummingbird. It’s a little more than two inches long.


A-list actresses Audrey and Katharine

What is Hepburn? Who can forget Breakfast at Tiffany’s (Audrey) and On Golden Pond (Katharine)?


He bombed as a stand-up comic in front of a live audience before his wild success as the star of the eponymous TV sitcom about nothing.

Who is Jerry Seinfeld? At his first live performance, he was booed off the stage but persisted, refining his act until he became a comedic sensation. In the ’90s, Seinfeld was the hit sitcom about nothing.


“Over the River and Through the Woods” is a traditional Thanksgiving Day nursery rhyme in which the people are headed to this person’s house.

Who is grandmother? The song initially started as a poem by Lydia Maria Child in 1844.


The Roman Catholic Church celebrates All Saints’ Day on this day in November.

What is November 1? All Souls’ Day is celebrated on November 2.


He created the character Tiny Tim.

Who is Charles Dickens? Dickens introduced Tiny Tim to the world in his classic novel A Christmas Carol, the best-selling Christmas book ever.


This northeastern state is the smallest U.S. state.

What is Rhode Island? It’s 48 miles long and 37 miles wide, with 384 miles of coastline.


Businesswoman Martha, actor James, and talk-show host Jon

What is Stewart? Jon Stewart was the host of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show until he retired and Trevor Noah took his place.


Before he built his theme park empire, this household name was fired from his newspaper job for lack of creativity.

Who is Walt Disney? Some estimates place his net worth at the time of his death at $1 billion.


This is the traditional at-home Thanksgiving afternoon game for spectators and/or participants.

What is football? Some people watch it on TV, and others play touch football with extended family members.


This holiday falls on November 11 and celebrates members of the United States Armed Forces.

What is Veterans Day? People often confuse Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Memorial Day commemorates members of the military who died while serving; Veterans Day is dedicated to all military who served.


Noah Webster published this genre of book.

What is dictionary or reference? He wrote the first American dictionary. The finished product took 28 years to write and publish.


This small serving or treat is eaten between meals.

What is snack? According to the Cleveland Clinic, yogurt is a healthy snack, and it’s available all year long.


Actors De Niro, Wagner, and Duvall

What is Robert? De Niro played a retired intelligence operative in the Meet the Parents franchise. Wagner played Jonathan Hart in Hart to Hart, and Duvall has performed in many westerns.


He failed his music classes and was told, “You ain’t goin’ nowhere, son. You ought to go back to driving a truck,” after his first paying performance. In 1954, he recorded his first hit “That’s All Right” and later became known as the king of rock ’n’ roll.

Who is Elvis Presley? You can visit Graceland to see his three Grammy Awards along with his gold, platinum, and diamond records.


This centerpiece represents the bountiful harvest of autumn.

What is a cornucopia? It means “horn of plenty” and resembles a horn full of fruits and/or flowers. It is a universal symbol of abundance, originating in Greek mythology.


When November elections are held in the United States, they fall on this Tuesday.

What is the Tuesday after the first Monday of November? U.S. presidential elections are held every four years, elections for U.S. representatives are held every two years, and elections for U.S. senators occur every six years.


This “Queen of Mystery” holds the top spot as the world’s best-selling fiction author

Who is Agatha Christie? Many of her mystery novels have been adapted for the stage and screen. The Mousetrap premiered on the London stage in 1952, and it has had the longest run of all time. It’s currently in its 70th year.


Every now and then, when you cut into a bell pepper, you find this inside.

What is a baby bell pepper? It’s called an internal proliferation, and it can also occur in tomatoes, citrus fruits, and eggplants.


Actress MacLaine and child actress Temple

What is Shirley? Shirley Temple’s surname is Black, and she once served as a delegate to the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment.


“Can’t sing. Can’t act. Balding. Can dance a little.” was the note from an RKO executive after this Silk Stockings star’s first screen test.

Who is Fred Astaire? He went on to be honored with the American Film Institute’s Lifetime Achievement Award, a BAFTA Film Award, three Primetime Emmys, and an Honorary Academy Award.


A customary practice is to go around the Thanksgiving table and ask everyone to answer this question.

What is “What are you thankful for?” Practicing gratitude beyond the holiday has been proven to be good for your health. Studies show it has the ability to improve your sleep, your relationships, your self-esteem, and even your immune system.


This autumn fruit can be used to make a sauce, dehydrated as a snack, or baked in a pie––varieties include Braeburn and Jonagold.

What is apple? There are over 7,000 varieties of apples grown all over the world.


He authored this go-to book for new mothers in the 1960s.

Who is Dr. Benjamin Spock? Baby and Child Care was first published in 1946 and has been translated into 39 languages, with sales of more than 50 million copies.


A small coffee or espresso is served in this type of cup.

What is demitasse? It’s a French word meaning “half cup.” The cup holds two to three ounces.


Child, Roberts, and Louis-Dreyfus

What is Julia? Julia Child was a spy-turned-TV chef. The other Julias are actresses—Julia Roberts stars in Pretty Woman, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus stars in the television show Seinfeld.


You’ve seen him on Shark Tank, and he owns the Dallas Mavericks, but fame and fortune did not come easily. After repeatedly failing as an employee, he started his own company and catapulted himself to the top from there.

Who is Mark Cuban? He co-founded and sold it to Yahoo. Then, he co-founded MicroSolutions and sold it to CompuServe. Cuban leveraged the revenue from those sales to fund his later endeavors.


This brand name has become synonymous with the new tradition for vegans as a turkey alternative made from tofu.

What is Tofurky? The brand-name version is filled with wild rice stuffing.


This is one of the two November birthstones.

What is topaz or citrine? According to the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), topaz colors include “colorless, light blue, yellow, orange, pink, violet, brown and, very rarely, red.” Citrine colors vary from “transparent yellow to brownish orange,” according to GIA.


Robert James Waller wrote this book about an affair between photographer Robert Kincaid and a married woman named Francesca.

What is The Bridges of Madison County? The novel was later adapted for the big screen.
