what is an interpretation?
a definition for a word in the resolution
what is a counterplan?
a negative advocacy of a government action
what is the impact?
an underlying problem with the status quo and its ideologies
what is the perm?
an affirmative argument against the counterplan or kritik trying to prove that both can be done, disproving the net benefit
what is the counterplan?
that the government should invest in ethical AI development
what is a violation?
an argument that says the aff plan doesn't meet that definition
what is counterplan solvency?
an argument to prove that the counterplan solves an impact
what is the link?
how the affirmative plan contributes to that underlying problem, making it even worse
what are the aff answers to topicality?
counter interp,
we meet,
reasons to prefer,
no voter
what is the ideology of the kritik?
what is a standard?
an implication of the violation, an effect that a non-topical aff has on the round
what is a net benefit?
a reason the counterplan is not only preferable, but mutually exclusive.
what is the alt?
an advocacy to fundamentally change the world, and/or how we think about it to resolve that underlying problem
what are the affirmative answers to the counterplan?
no counterplan solvency,
no net benefit
what is the negative interp for topicality?
that protection means enforcement, so every aff needs to be a method of strengthening the enforcement of intellectual property protection
what is a voter?
why the standards matter so much that the other team should lost the round
what is the story of the counterplan?
the counterplan should happen because its better than the affirmative plan (avoids a disadvantage, solves the same problem better, etc..), doing the plan would mean you can't do the counterplan, so you have to vote neg)
what is the story of the K?
right now, the status quo and its power relations are really bad, the affirmative plan makes this worse by ___, that means the we should ___, which solves that problem.
what are the affirmative answers to the kritik?
no link,
no impact,
no alt solvency
what is the net benefit of the counterplan?
the affirmative links to the china tech race disadvantage, and the counterplan solves case while not linking the to DA
what is the story of topicality?
the resolution says every aff has to be about this, but the affirmative team isn't, that means that there are a number of implications for the round which make debate unfair and uneducational
what is the problem with the status quo, according to the kritik?
that technology is created and implimented by the wealthy and powerful in ways that further exploit poor and marginalized people