Who are the main characters in the book?
Ahmed and Max
Why is Max and his family living in Brussels?
His father is a defense consultant for Nato in case of war.
Who is Baba?
Ahmed's Father
Where are Ahmed and his father in the beginning of the story?
They are in the Ocean on a dinghy.
Why is Max repeating 6th grade?
He barely passed 6th grade.
Where is Ahmed and his father headed in the Dinghy.
Thy eare heading for Europe to escape from Syria because it's getting bombed.
At the end of Chapter 1, what happened to Baba?
Ahmed saw his dad's head bob to the surface and then he drowned.
After Ahmed and Abrahim and his family arrive in Brussels, where do they live?
Downtown Brussels, wooden crates for chair and travels, laundry on ropes, first aid tent with giant red cross, piles of donated clothes.
How did Ahmed try to get to Calais on his way to England?
He met a smuggler that would take him for some money.
Who did Max's mom hire to help max with his French lessons?
Madam Pauline
Who is Oscar?
He is the boy who "tried" to help Max with his ink pen but he actaully wanted him to get ink all over himself. He is a bully.
How did the boys at Max's school in Brussels, tease Max on the playground?
They were picking on him saying random English words from and English song.
How did Ahmed end up in Brussels instead of Calais?
The smuggler tried to steal his watch, Ahmed jumped out of a moving car.
What did the smuggler take from Ahmed that he needed?
His phone.
How did Ahmed end up in Max's basement?
He was looking for shelter, he saw a white cat that led him to the cellar from the basement. The door was open.
Who is Inspector Fontaine?
Police Officer
How did Madam Pauline and the Inspector feel about having refugees in Brussels?
They are all terrorists, they should not be in Brussels.
What nationality is Ahmed?
What nationality is Max?
One or two nights..
How did Max feel about joinging Scouts (Scoots)? Why?
Max did not want to join the Scouts, he did not want more time trying to speak French.
How did Ahmed feel about taking food and money from Max's family?
He was very uncomfortable, he felt like it was stealing.
What did Ahmed intend to do about the food and money from Max's family?
He wrote down everything and was going to pay them back.
Ahmad was going to leave Max's house in September. Why did he not leave?
It was going to be winter, so he was going stay until winter.
What did Max take to Ahmed while he was living in Max's basement?
Blanket, pillows, bananas, turkey sandwich