Where is DRC office location?
Haggerty Administration Building, Room 205
Where is PCC?
Student Health and Counseling Center
What does CSS stand for?
Center for Student Succuss
What are the main offices offered by SUNY New Paltz?
Financial Aid Office, Office of Student Accounts, Payroll (those working on campus)
what is one weekly event hosted by DRC?
Walk and Talk, ADHD Minds, Learning Support Drop in, College Connections, Art Therapy, Music Therapy
Is this resource confidential?
Where is CSS?
Basement of Old Main, B106
What does Financial Aid Office offer that Office of Student Accounts Can't?
Advice on financial aid provided, how aid will be affected by any changes.
the paperwork needs minimum 48 hours prior to an exam to be effective
What is testing accommodation paperwork?
What resources don't require an advance notice?
Let's Talk (SUB 416 1-3pm wed.), Workshops and Outreach, and Emergency/Crisis Walk in services
List at least three resources they offer.
Peer Coaching, Writing Labs, Subject Tutors, Supplemental Instruction
Study abroad program financing
Center for International Programs, Finacial Aid Office, Student Accounts, EOP...
Academic Accommodation request require what forms of documentation?
Disability Verification Form or most recent IEP or 504 Plan and/or most recent Psychological and Educational Evaluations: for further clarifications look at DRC page
What is the office phone number or extention?
845-257-2920 or ext.2920
Where/How do you schedule to use resources offered?
Either 1) CSS tab on SUNY New Paltz tab following prompts or 2) through mynewpaltz account, find the CSS tab, following prompts 3) walk into office and schedule in person
what is the FAFSA or TAP code for SUNY New Paltz?
FAFSA: 002846
TAP: 0925