Health & Wellness
Complimentary/Alternative Therapies/Other
Miscellaneous I
Health Promotion /Other
Miscellaneous II

A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

What is Health?


The nurse is caring for a patient who states that she participates in Tai Chi for strength, balance, and progressive muscle relaxation and listens to music to help with stress before a race. The nurse understands that these are examples of ________?

What are Complimentary and Alternative Medical Therapies?


Care of Faculty, Students, Partners, Patients, and Community.

What are the five Tenets of Chamberlain Care?


This term consists of the activities that help individuals maintain or enhance their present level of health. What is the name of this term? 

What is Health Promotion?


This type of CAM( Complimentary and Alternative) Therapy is a technique that uses energy forces to reduce stress and anxiety and encourage muscle relaxation by placing hands on or above the patient's body to transfer energy to the client. What type of CAM therapy is this? 

What is Reiki?


Comfort zone, no symptoms of disease but health is not a priority. 

What is Illness -wellness continuum?


When a nurse develops declining empathy due to continuous exposure to sickness and suffering.

What is Compassion Fatigue?

***Burnout and Secondary Traumatic Stress. Strategies to prevent burnout: Building connections with colleagues and sharing complex stories. 


Two variables that influence health beliefs and practices.  One can include a person's developmental stage, intellectual background, perception of functioning, and emotional and spiritual factors. The second can include family practices, psychosocial & socioeconomic factors, and cultural backgrounds. 

What are internal and external variables?

**** Example: Patient Perspective about health.


This concept identifies nationwide health improvement priorities and provides measurable objectives and goals. 

What is the Healthy People Initiative (Healthy People 2030)?


This term refers to individuals who lack access to an adequate food supply. What is the name of this term? 

What is Food Insecurity?


A positive state of health that is continually changing.

What is wellness?

***Wellness- includes- physical, mental, social, spiritual, environmental, intellectual, occupational, and financial components. ****


The nurse is floated to the medical-surgical floor, and she was given two high-acuity patients and increased responsibilities such as drawing blood and other labs. The nurse was under some stress. What type of stress is the nurse experiencing at this time?  

What is situational stress?


Two Concepts- Things you change ( Example: alcohol consumption, healthy eating). Things you can not change(Example: Gender, Age).

What are Modifiable Risk Factors and Non-Modifiable Risk Factors?


This law is a part of the medicare reimbursement that is tied to patient satisfaction; it assists with providing hospitals a reduction on the reimbursement for excessive 30day readmission rates, it bundles payments for a single care episode, it reduces hospital reimbursement for high numbers of healthcare acquired conditions, and it provides health insurance coverage for the uninsured and implements reforms to the health insurance market. What law is this?   

What is the Affordable Care Act?


The patient asked the nurse what type of exercise regimen was needed to be healthy. The nurse stated that the patient should have an exercise regimen that is moderately intense and for at least 150 minutes each week. Is this a beneficial exercise regimen? 

What is the amount of exercise that is needed for a health benefit?


The ER nurse was in the supply closet looking for 1000L bags of Normal Saline(NS) to hang with the 2 Units of blood that the doctor ordered. She found a box in front of the NS bags. The nurse picked the box up and kept it close to her body while lifting it out of the way and her feet were shoulder length apart. What mechanism did the nurse display?

What is safe lifting?

***A safe lifting technique helps to prevent injury by using your legs instead of your back to lift heavy objects. Stand as close to the object as possible so you don't extend your back. Use your legs to lift 


Founded by Hans Seyle, Many Physical problems are related to the inability to control stress and anxiety. He believed that people respond to stress in the same manner, regardless of the stressor.

Includes the Alarm, Resistance, and Exhaustion Stages.

What is the Stress Adaptation Theory or General Adaptation Theory?

***Maintain homeostasis.


This term provides decision-making tools to help nurses in practice and in ethical dilemmas. What is the name of this term? 

What is the Code of Ethics?


The feeling of independence and reputation falls under which level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs? 

What is Self-Esteem?


This term addresses the health risks and needs of groups. The goal is to improve the health of the nation, focus on disease prevention, and address concerns across the lifespan. What is the name of the term? 

What is the Purpose of Healthy People 2030? 


This nursing Model promotes a patient's optimal level of health by considering the dynamic interactions among the emotional, spiritual, social, cultural, and physical aspects of an individual's wellness. 

What is The Holistic Health Model?

Examples: My daughter listens to music on her headphones before she runs. 


The nurse is caring for a patient in the ER who states that she just had a baby, she is in school, and works full-time. The patient states that she has hypertension, problems with digestion, and insomnia, and thinks that she may even be depressed. What illness are these symptoms indicative of?

What are the complications of prolonged or severe stress?


This term seeks to identify Nationwide health - improvement priorities and provide measurable objectives and goals. What term is this?

What is a Healthy People 2030 Goal?


This term is a framework for prioritizing a patient's problems. What is the name of the term? 

What is Maslow's Hierarchy of needs? 


Biofeedback, Reiki, and Spinal Manipulation

What are some training-specific therapies?
