Super Models of the World
You Be Illin'
2020 Health Odyssey
Role with it!!
Theory and Levels
Health is defined by the absence and illness by the conspicuous presence of signs and symptoms of disease. People who use this model may not seek preventive health services or they may wait until they are very ill to seek care.
What is Clinical Model
The failure of a person's adaptive mechanisms to counteract stimuli and stresses adequately, resulting in functional or structural disturbances.
What is Disease
Health Perception- Health Management Pattern, Nutritional- Metabolic Pattern, Elimination Pattern, Activity- Exercise Pattern, Sleep- Rest Pattern, Cognitive- Perceptual Pattern, Self-Perception- Self-Concept Pattern, Roles-Relationships Pattern, Sexuality- Reproductive Pattern, Coping-Stress Tolerance Pattern, Values-Beliefs Pattern
What are Gordon's 11 Functional Health Patterns
In this role the nurse: 1. Helps individuals obtain what they are entitled to receive through the health care system; 2. Tries to make the system more responsive to individual and community needs; and 3. Helps persons develop the skills to speak for themselves. In this role, the nurse strives to ensure that all persons receive high-quality, appropriate, safe, and cost-effective care. The nurse may spend a great deal of time identifying and coordinating resources for complex cases.
What is Advocate
This level of prevention occurs when a defect or disability is permanent and irreversible. The process involves minimizing the effects of disease and disability by surveillance and maintenance activities aimed at preventing complications and deterioration. This level of prevention focuses on rehabilitation to help people attain and retain an optimal level of functioning regardless of their disabling condition. The objective of this level is to return the affected individual to a useful place in society, maximize remaining capacities, or both.
What is Tertiary Level of Prevention
Defines health in terms of individuals' ability to perform social roles. Role performance includes work, family, and social roles, with performance based on societal expectations. Illness would be the failure to perform roles at the level of others in society. This model is the basis for occupational health evaluations, school physical examinations, and physician-excused absences.
What is Role Performance Model
Described as a response characterized by a mismatch between a person's needs and the resources available to meet those needs. It signals to individuals and populations that the present balance is not working.
What is Illness
Comparisons of the average life expectancy by gender as well as infant mortality rates of populations in selected countries.
What is Leading Health Indicators of Healthy People 2020
In this role, nurses may provide knowledge about health promotion and disease prevention to individuals and groups
What is Consultant
Level of prevention that ranges from providing screening activities and treating early stages of disease to limiting disability by averting or delaying the consequences of advanced disease. Screening is involved in this level of prevention because its principal goal is to identify individuals in an early, detectable stage of the disease process.
What is Secondary Level of Prevention
Model that states that people's ability to adjust positively to social, mental, and physiological change is the measure of their health. Illness occurs when the person fails to adapt or becomes maladaptive to these changes.
What is Adaptive Model
A state of physical, mental, spiritual, and social functioning that realizes a person's potential and is experienced within a developmental context.
What is Health
Residents of rural areas, Undocumented immigrants, Low-income individuals and families, Racial and ethnic minorities, People with no health insurance coverage, People with multiple chronic conditions, People with language or cultural barriers, The physically disabled or handicapped, The terminally or mentally ill, Persons with HIV/AIDS, Alcohol or substance abusers, and Homeless individuals. • Individuals who do not speak English • Individuals with communication difficulties • Low education levels or illiteracy • Anyone lacking health literacy
What are Healthy People 2020 Vulnerable Populations
At the core of this role is direct provision of services such as health education, flu shots, and counseling in health promotion.
What is Deliverer of Services
Level of prevention that precedes disease or dysfunction and is therapeutic in that it includes health as beneficial to well-being. it: 1. uses therapeutic treatments, and, as a process or behavior towards enhancing health; 2. involves symptom identification when teaching stress reduction techniques. 3. includes interventions such as health promotion, such as health education about risk factors for heart disease, and specific protection, such as immunization against hepatitis B; and 4. Can also include advocating for policies that promote the health of the community and electing public officials who will enact legislation that protects the health of the public.
What is Primary Prevention
In this model exuberant well-being indicates optimal health. This model emphasizes the interactions between physical, social, psychological, and spiritual aspects of life and the environment that contribute to goal attainment and create meaning. Illness is reflected by a denervation or languishing, a lack of involvement with life.
What is Eudaimonistic Model
Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor
What are Domains of Learning
Adolescent Health, Blood Disorders and Blood Safety, Dementias, Including Alzheimer's Disease, Early and Middle Childhood, Genomics, Global Health, Healthcare-Associated Infections, Health-Related Quality of Life and Well-Being, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health, Older Adults, Preparedness, Sleep Health and Social Determinants of Health.
What is Focus areas of Healthy People 2020
This role requires that the nurse help individuals integrate and balance the various parts of their lives (McKivergin, 2004). The nurse must be able to: 1. Glimpse or intuit the "interior" of an individual, to sense and identify what is important to that other person, and to incorporate the specific insight into a care plan that helps that person develop his or her own capacity to heal. It requires a mindful blending of science and subjectivity (Benner et al., 2010; Siegel, 2007).
What is Healer
Useful for determining where a person is in relation to making a behavior change, Includes stages: 1. Precontemplation, 2. Contemplation, 3. Planning or preparation, 4. Action, and 5. Maintenance.
What is Transtheoretical Model of Change
A paradigm used to predict and explain health behavior.
What is Health Belief Model
The degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions (Selden et al., 2000). Simply stated, it is about communicating health information clearly and understanding it correctly" (Osborne, 2013, p. 1). It includes the ability to read, write, speak, listen, compute, and comprehend, and to apply those skills to health situations.
What is Health Literacy
•Attain high quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death. •Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups. •Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all. •Promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all life stages.
What is Goals of Healthy People 2020
The conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individuals. This type of nursing practice means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research (ANA, 2004).
What is Evidence-Based Practice
Emphasizes the influence of self-efficacy, or efficacy beliefs, on health behavior and describes the roles of reinforcement and observational learning in explaining health behavior change.
What is Social Cognitive Theory