Miscellaneous I
Vulnerable Populations/Other
Disaster Preparedness/Other
Miscellaneous II
Nurse Practice Settings

The Community Health Nurse is orienting a new graduate nurse on the priority for patients in rural areas. The new graduate nurse states that access to health care in rural areas is very important. Should the nurse agree that this is a priority for patients in rural areas?  

What is access to healthcare in rural communities?

** The priority for rural areas is access to healthcare. 


The nurse is advising her 75-year-old client and his family that she should follow up with her primary care provider to check for issues with her hearing, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, and osteoporosis. Why would the nurse advise this patient to obtain these specific screenings?

What are screenings for Older Adults? 

** Hypertension, Cancer, Osteoporosis, Hearing, Diabetes, and Cholesterol.


An event that can cause serious damage, destruction, injuries, and death. In many situations, a hospital can manage the event with the support of local resources. What is this type of event called? 

What is a Disaster? 


The nurse understands that PTSD affects homeless veterans and victims of trauma and abuse. The nurse understands what the acronym PTSD stands for what word?

What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?


 The student nurse understands that the duties of this nurse occupation include administering medication, providing emergency treatment and first aid, and performing vision screenings. What nursing practice role is this nurse in?

What is the Role of the School Nurse?


This item is utilized to identify industries at risk for explosions or fire. It is also used to identify where vulnerable populations live and are housed. What term are we referring to? 

What is the purpose of a Community Risk Map?


The nurse is assessing her 65-year-old patient and notes that the patient seems fearful of her during the assessment. The patient is also unable to provide basic information and she notices several injuries a different stages of healing during her physical assessment. Does the nurse recognize that these symptoms are a sign or symptom of a condition that must be reported to the provider immediately? 

What are Abuse Risks/Signs and Symptoms?

** Signs and Symptoms/ Risks of abuse include vulnerable individuals ( Elderly and Young Children, they are often fearful & unable to provide basic information, and their injuries are in different stages of healing). 


The method that is used by first responders to quickly classify victims during a mass casualty incident (MCI) based on the severity of their injury. What is the name of this method?

What is the START Method?

***The START Method ( Simple. Triage. and Rapid Treatment) Triage Method. 


The nurse understands that sometimes, when assessing patients for this condition she might find that the injuries are not consistent with the explanation or a patient's development capabilities. What condition is the nurse referring to?   

What is Child Abuse? 


 The student nurse understands that the duties of this nurse occupation include focusing on symptomatic relief, visiting patients to assess a patient's physical symptoms, and caring for patients with terminal illnesses. What nursing practice role is this nurse in?

What is Hospice Nursing? 

The nurse who works in this role must provide direct care to the clients after triage, be a team member with a community group and volunteer agency, and develop a personal disaster plan and kit. In what situation would the nurse assume these roles? 

What is the Nurses' Role in a disaster? 


The Community Health Nurse understands that this population that while caring for this population we must first identify our bias; while realizing that this group has its own unique disparities. The nurse also understands that this group has underlying issues with support groups and is at risk for early mortality. What patient population is the nurse referring to? 

What are Vulnerable Populations? 


The strategies implanted once a disaster occurs are called what type of prevention. 

What are Secondary Prevention Strategies?


The nurse understands that her Tuberculosis (TB) patient should be placed in a specific isolation room when admitted to the hospital. What is the name of that type of isolation room?

What are Negative Pressure Rooms? 

*** The preferred placement for patients who require Airborne Precaution is in an Airborne Infection Isolation Room/otherwise known as a Negative Pressure Room. 


The nurse in this profession must maintain a safe and humane environment for her patients, nursing care is an essential part of the care of her patients, and the application of bandages to her patients may be a safety threat within the environment where she works. What type of nursing is this nurse involved in? 

What is a Correctional Nursing? 

The nurse understands that if a patient is exposed to this chemical, then she should isolate the exposed patient and initiate treatment protocols.  What chemical/s was the patient exposed to? 

What are Biological Agents? 


The nurse recognizes that this type of healthcare can improve communication and lead to positive outcomes. What type of healthcare is the nurse referring to?

What is Diversity Health Care? 


The Community Health Nurse Understands that she must have several safety elements in place after working through the COVID-19 Pandemic. She recognized that she must keep an emergency contact list, manage her stress, obtain required/recommended vaccinations, and find out information regarding the local organizations that offer aid and support in her community. What type of preparation is the nurse displaying?

What is Pandemic Preparation?


The nurse is caring for a client exposed to this chemical. The nurse caring for this patient understands that she must remove the client's clothing and proceed with treatment. What chemical was the client exposed to? 

What is Radioactive Contamination? 


The nurse who works with this population understands that they can be at risk for various communicable diseases such as HIV, diabetes, tuberculosis(TB),  hypertension, and hepatitis. What population is the nurse caring for? 

What is the Incarcerated Population?


The framework addresses the health needs of the population as a whole. What framework is this?  

What is the Population Health Framework?


The attainment of the highest level of health for all people, where everyone has a fair and just opportunity to attain their optimal health regardless of race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, geography, preferred language, or other factors that may affect access to care and health outcomes. What is the name of this term? 

What is health Equity?


The Community Health nurse had just arrived to assist a local city with patients after a hurricane before assisting clients, the nurse assessed the area for a safe set-up to triage the patient. She also distributed the incident action plan to the rest of the team. She then proceeded to set up and organize the tent for triage, and she and the team began receiving and caring for patients with her team. What were the steps that the nurse implemented in this disaster called? 

What are the steps of disaster Response/Recovery?


The nurse understands that initiating an immunization program, collaborating with local officials, and educating the community about disease prevention are elements that must be explored in this community health nursing realm.  The nurse understands that these are elements of what realm of nursing? 

What are the elements of Global Health? 


The nurses' role in this practice setting includes working in various settings to keep people healthy and provide direct services to employees, host promotion activities, and provide management for workers' compensation cases. What practice setting is this nurse working in?

What is the Role of an Occupational Health Nurse?
