Building Operations
Education, Training, & Events
Communications / Business Development
BTS Consulting

NRECA owns two buildings in Arlington, VA and one building in this Midwestern capital

What is Lincoln, Nebraska?


Remember the Alamo! In March, NRECA will be hosting PowerXchange in this city

What is San Antonio, Texas?


This monthly distributed print and digital publication boasts a 99% reach of electric cooperatives

What is RE Magazine?


This body of the Legislative Branch is where NRECA's current CEO, Jim Matheson, served from 2001-2015 representing his home state of Utah

What is the House of Representatives?


This NRECA employee is the Managing Director of BTS Consulting

Who is Ginny Beauchemin?


This employee oversees building operations at NRECA

Who is Brad Smith?


This series of events take place on an annual basis in the fall and are held in various geographic locations

What are Regional Meetings?


With a lightbulb socket for a head, a wired body, and a two-pronged power plug for legs, this cartoon mascot of NRECA was selected from a design contest in 1948 with artist Drew McLay winning the $50 prize

 Who is Willie Wiredhand?


Formerly known as the Action Committee for Rural Electrification or ACRE, NRECA's political action committee changed its name to this in 2023 

What is America's Electric Cooperatives PAC?


These are the primary BTS Consulting practice areas (name three)

What are Market Research, Executive Search, Human Capital, Technology Management, Safey Consulting and Emerging Services? (Governance also accepted)


At NRECA, the Building Operations department reports to this SLT member

Who is the Chief Information Officer/Wayne McGurk?


Starting this year, NRECA will begin a new leadership program for electric co-op executives that will take place at this university, home of the wildcats

What is Northwestern University?


NRECA offers these three levels of Associate Membership

What is Platinum, Gold, and Silver?


Elected to the office of Secretary-Treasurer in 2023, this CEO of Sequachee Valley Electric Membership Corporation reviews and approves the Secretary-Treasurer's report prepared by Finance on a monthly basis

Who is T. Michael Partin? (Mike Partin also acceptable)


This BTS Consulting practice area recruits CEOs, GMs and other leadership roles for cooperatives

What is Executive Search?


Including retail and garage space, NRECA's building located at 4301 Wilson Blvd has this number of tenants as of 12/31/2023

What is 8 tenants?


With over $2 million worth of invoices sent during 2023, this company is ET&E's largest vendor by gross expenses

What is Video West, Inc?


This website was designed to share stories about NRECA and America's electric cooperatives' impact on the nation and the utility industry


This independent agency of the US government enforces campaign finance laws and requires entities such as NRECA to submit monthly filings to report PAC activity

What is the Federal Election Commission?


This NRECA employee is the Director of Safety Programs

Who is Bud Branham?


This category of commercial real estate leases stipulate that tenants pay a proportionate share of the building’s operating expenses 

What is a Net Lease?


Not all training is about bookkeeping. You could expect to learn how to implement Advanced Metering Infrastructure and other smart grid technology in this program offered in Madison, WI

What is Introduction to Distribution Engineering?


Along with JC Brown, LaBerge, and Autry, this fourth Cooperative Communication Award at Connect Conference recognizes the outstanding work produced by electric cooperative communication & marketing professionals in 18 categories

What is Spotlight on Excellence?


Enacted in 1995, this piece of legislation requires entities to file quarterly activity reports with the Office of the Clerk disclosing lobbying activities to influence the Federal Government, and for other purposes

What is the Lobbying Disclosure Act?


Currently, this is the primary service provided in the Emerging Services practice area

What is Electric Vehicle Strategic Planning, Transportation Research, Charging Development or GIS EV Mapping Planning Toolbox? (all acceptable answers)
