

A blue or greyish coloration of the skin caused by lack of oxygen in the blood is called?



What do the veins of the body do?

Veins transport deoxygenated blood and waste products back to the heart.


You are called to a local nightclub for an injured patient. Upon arrival, you see a young man who is lying on the ground screaming in pain and blood is spurting from an apparent stab wound. What should your first action be?

A: apply 100% oxygen

B. ensure an open airway

C. elevate the patient's legs

D: Control the bleeding

Control the bleeding.


All of the following are contraindications of oral glucose except:

a. Hypoglycemia

b. Nausea

c. Vomiting

d. Decreased level of consciousness



Name 5 types of PPE.

Gloves, goggles, face shield, gowns, shoe covers, N95, surgical mask


What is the most common cause of airway obstruction?

A. Toys

B. Vomit

C. Tongue

D. Swelling



You are called to a scene of a 3-year-old who is not breathing and is pulseless. Your CPR should include compressions at what depth?

At least 1/3rd of the chest should be compressed while performing CPR on a child.


During a soccer game, a 20 year old man collided shoulder to shoulder with another player. He has pain and a noticeable anterior bulge to the left shoulder. What is the most effective method of immobilizing this injury?

A sling to support the left arm and swathes to secure the arm to the body.


What are 4 different symptoms of anaphylaxis with regards to skin?

Flushing, Swelling, Hives, Warm/Tingling Sensations


You are called to the scene of a 75 y/o male in Cardiac Arrest. Upon arrival, you are stopped by the patient's husband who informs you that the Pt has a DNR and that you should not try to resuscitate the patient since that is “not what he would have wanted.” The husband is unable to provide the physical DNR but states that it does not matter since it is somewhere in the house. What should you do next?

You should inform the husband that without documentation of a DNR, you will have to do resuscitation efforts and thus should resuscitate the patient until a DNR can be provided by the husband


What is the rate of breaths per minute for an adult?

A. 18-30 

B. 12-20 

C. 8-12 

D. 24-40 

12-20 Breaths


Which of the following mechanism occurs without oxygen?

Anaerobic metabolism


You are assessing a 33 year old male's Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score. The patient opens his eyes in response to pain, is speaking with incomprehensible words, and withdraws from pain by flexing his upper extremities. What is his GCS score?



What are the symptoms associated with preeclampsia?

High BP, seizures


While on scene with a 23 y/o female pt with flu like symptoms, you hear someone call for help across the hall yelling “Help, I think my grandma is having a stroke.” In response, the 23 y/o pt says “wow that sounds serious, you should leave,” prompting you and your partner to immediately leave her room and go down the hall to render care to the second patient. What is this an example of?

Abandonment, regardless of how serious the other call may sound, you can not leave a scene until you have either, transferred care, gotten permission from OLMC to do so, or have signed an AMA.


You are treating an unresponsive but breathing 54 year old female whose chief complaint was respiratory duress prior to becoming unresponsive. You have placed the patient on oxygen and attempted to place an oral airway, but were unable because of an intact gag reflex. In what position should the patient be placed?

A. Prone

B. Supine

C. Semi-fowler’s position

D. Laterally recumbent position

Laterally Recumbent, On their Side, Recovery Position


The AED is used to treat patients in: 

A. asystole

B. ventricular tachycardia with a pulse

C. ventricular fibrillation

D. pulseless electrical activity



 During transport of a patient with a head injury, what assessment factor will provide you with the most information regarding the patient's condition?

A. Pupil size

B. CSMs 

C. Mental status

D. Vitals

 Mental status


The type of diabetes that requires a patient to inject insulin daily is

a. Type I.

b. Type II.

c. "maturity-onset diabetes."

d. diabetic ketoacidosis.

Type 1


This law protects patient healthcare information and confidentiality.



What condition is characterized by a high pitched sound resulting from turbulent air flow in the upper airway? It may be inspiratory, expiratory or present on both inspiration and expiration. 

A. Rales

B. Stridor

C. Chain stokes

D. Wheezing


A particle of blood starts out in the heart and travels through the body, List the complete path that it travels to get back to where it is.

Right atrium, Tricuspid valve, Right Ventricle, Pulmonary valve, Pulmonary artery, lungs, Pulmonary vain, Left atrium, Mitral valve, Left ventricle, Aortic valve, arteries, capillaries, veins, Vena cava


A  trauma patient lost control of their diaphragm where did the injury take place?

a.    C7 

b.    T1 

c.    C3/4/5

d.    T10




What is placental abruption? 

A. High bp during pregnancy

B. When the baby presents feet-first

C. Early detachment of the placenta from the uterine wall

D. When contractions are far apart

Early detachment from uterine wall before birth


A disease that has the ability to be transmitted from one host to another is a

communicable disease