Special Populations
EMS Operations

What is the role of the stomach in the digestive system?

The stomach physically grinds up food and chemically digests it with acid. 


What anatomical structure is the division between the upper and lower respiratory tract?



A homeless patient with suspected hypothermia is being transported. On secondary survey you note ulceration of the fingertips on most of the fingers. What is the likely etiology of these ulcers?

Repeated episodes of cold exposure


You are dispatched to a 57-year-old male with chest pain. What pain description is MOST consistent with a cardiac problem? (How will they describe their pain?



What is the MOST appropriate name for the type of cerebral vascular incident where all symptoms resolve within 24 hours of onset?

Transient Ischemic Attack


What safety precautions is the BEST WAY to prevent the spread of disease?

Correct Hand washing


What is the difference between involuntary and voluntary guarding?

Involuntary guarding is an automatic response of the muscles over the affected area.

Voluntary guarding is an intentional action exhibited to prevent touch or movement in the specific area. 


You are dispatched to a patient with acute shortness of breath. She is conscious, but confused, and is gasping for air. Your pulse oximeter is reading 74% on room air. Which of the following is the best respiratory intervention for this patient?

Assisted positive pressure ventilation. 


 A patient has sustained a puncture wound to their anterior neck region. The bleeding is profuse, a large amount of bright red blood appears to be coming from one area of the wound. How will you control this bleeding? 

Use pressure with a gloved hand


A 4-year-old had a witnessed arrest, you and the father are performing 2-rescuer CPR with an ACLS unit en route. Following a shock with the AED the patient starts to move and breathe spontaneously. What is the next best step to take in the care of this patient?

Check for a pulse then monitor the patient and support ABC's


During a normal vaginal delivery, you notice a green/black substance in the amniotic fluid. This is called what?



What should you utilize to preserve evidence after a sexual assault?

Inside a paper bag (Will allow liquids to dry at a normal rate)


Which of the following symptoms are most common in anaphylaxis? Choose three of the following:

Abdominal Pain

Nausea and vomiting

Skin Rash



Nausea and vomiting

Skin Rash



Which oxygen delivery device is most appropriate for a patient with shortness of breath and the following vital signs? HR 110, BP 110/75, RR 22, SPO2 91%,, alert, skin is normal in color, temp, and turgor.

Nasal Cannula


You are on the scene at a railroad crossing where two vehicles have collided head-on. One of the drivers is unconscious with his vehicle still on the railroad tracks. What method of extrication should be used for this patient?

Rapid Extrication


You and your partner are called to a swimming pool for a 5-year-old who does not have a pulse and is not breathing after being pulled from the water. You quickly assess the patient and begin CPR. What is the proper depth of compressions for this patient?

2 Inches


A 20 yr old female presents with severe lower abdominal pain with abnormal vaginal bleeding and vomiting. When interviewed, she states she shouldn't be pregnant because she uses an Intra-uterine device to prevent unwanted pregnancy. What medical condition should be considered?

Ectopic Pregnancy


Depending on the needs of the incident, an incident-specific Joint Information Center might be established at what location?

On scene location


What are the primary goals of shock management?

2 Goals

Correct underlying cause and maintain ABC's


You are treating a 28-year-old female patient complaining of sudden onset severe shortness of breath and chest pain. She states that she is recovering from surgery after fracturing her left femur in an MVA one week ago. What is this patient most likely suffering from?

Pulmonary Embolism


You are treating a 23 yr old male that was bitten several times by a neighborhood dog. The dog left a deep laceration on his right forearm with blood slowly oozing from the wound. The patient has no other symptoms. What should be your biggest concern for this patient?

Infection from the dog bite.


What force primarily fills the ventricles during diastole?

Negative pressure

During diastole all chambers relax and the ventricles fill. 


You are treating a 30-year-old female patient who states that she is 10-weeks pregnant. She is complaining of severe abdominal pain, some vaginal bleeding, and shoulder pain. Abdominal exam reveals significant tenderness in the lower right quadrant. She is agitated and tachycardic. You suspect shock developing. What condition do you suspect she is suffering from?

Ectopic Pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy can have referred shoulder pain


The Federal Emergency Management Agency, defines the process through which personnel meets the minimum established criteria; training, experience, physical and medical fitness, and capability; to fill specific positions, as what?



You arrive on the scene of a reported shooting after the police have cleared the scene. A victim's mental status has been declining at a rapid rate. Police report that he has become pale, confused, and seems to be breathing rapidly. You note an entrance wound on the left abdomen that is oozing a significant quantity of blood. Which of the following would you also anticipate finding during the primary survey?

Weak or absent peripheral pulses. 

Primary Survey consists of Airway, Breathing and Circulation.

As severe blood loss happens the blood pressure decreases and peripheral pulses will decrease. 


You are assessing a 16-month-old with an apparent barking cough and difficulty breathing. Inspiratory stridor is heard with the evident use of accessory muscles and sternal retractions. The mother reports the dyspnea is worse at night. The child has no medical history and is on no medications. Which of the following should you suspect in this case?



A child at a pool party dives into a small pool but fails to surface. She is pulled from the pool and immediately coughs up water when placed in the recovery position. Upon EMS arrival the vitals are HR 45, BP 60/40, RR 55, spO2 93%. Breaths are extremely shallow with occasional gasps visible. What is the likely etiology of the patient's condition?

Spinal Cord Damage

Decrease in heart rate and blood pressure indicate lack of sympathetic communication from the brain. 


When assessing a patient's blood pressure, what does the top number of the blood pressure indicate?

The pressure in the arteries during myocardial contraction. 


You and your partner have just assisted in a field delivery. Your partner tells you to take the infant and perform an APGAR assessment. An APGAR assessment should be performed at which of the following time intervals following delivery?

At one minute and five minutes after delivery. 


You are on scene of a MCI, which of the following is the responsibility of the staging officer?

The staging officer is primarily responsive for assembling all the available vehicles to make sure they are ready or deployment as needed. 
