What is another word for dynamics?
Quarter Note
1 beat
Name the 4 families of instruments
Woodwind, Brass, Percussion, String
No sharps or flats
What is it called when you gradually get louder?
What does Tempo mean?
How fast or slow a piece of music is
Half Note
2 beats
Name 4 kinds of woodwind instruments
Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Piccolo, Oboe, Bassoon
What is in the key signature of Bb major?
2 flats (Bb, Eb)
What is the name of the scale that goes up by half steps? (Each note on your fingering chart)
Chromatic Scale
What does legato mean?
Long and connected
Whole Note
4 beats
Name 4 kinds of brass instruments
Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, French Horn, Euphonium, Baritone
What is in the key signature of G major?
1 Sharp (F#)
Match Grip
Define mezzo forte (mf in music)
Medium loud/full
Eighth Note
1/2 of a beat
Name 2 instruments used in the orchestra
Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass, Flute, Clarinet, Trumpet, Trombone, French Horn, Tuba
What is in the key signature of F major?
1 flat (Bb)
What was Mr. Sheppard's first instrument?
What does Andante mean?
Walking tempo
Dotted Half Note
3 beats
What instrument family is the English Horn in?
Woodwind (Double Reed)
What is in the key signature of Ab major?
4 flats (Bb, Eb, Ab, Db)
What are the first two lines of Mr. Sheppard's top Spotify song?